The Overdue Critical Race Theory Thread

Sure and we have laws to protect them against discrimination.

I donā€™t think itā€™s whataboutism to point out that this started in universities and they didnā€™t even bother with the law or due process. Anyone saying whatever was considered unacceptable was in trouble.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re supporting free speech, though.

Promoting is vague in itself. You can argue by virtue of teaching something you are promoting it. If the teacher spends more time teaching one subject over another that could be considered promoting.

Iā€™m not talking about what is fashionable nor do I have any interest in the culture war aspect. You can be against racial discrimination on any grounds at the same as you are against prohibiting free speech.

Certainly if you create a law around it then yes youā€™ve effectively prohibited the subject of race all together regardless of your intention. Whether or not that law is constitutional is another matter.

Sure you are, apparently you just donā€™t realise it

I agree with you. However, show white people getting slaughtered by other ethnic groups in a university and see how things pan out.

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Itā€™s not relevant to the argument at hand.

Sure it is

I would suggest people try that route if they are concerned about it. Like Iā€™ve said before if there is clear evidence of discrimination against white people then try it in a court of law. Civil rights apply to everyone.

Not my argument.

The thread wouldnā€™t exist were it not for this fashion

No, not at all. In the first case, Iā€™m arguing that the law was incorrectly mischaracterized by extracting one small portion out of context in clear and direct support of the writerā€™s point of view. No one could be charitable enough to call that an accidental error. Itā€™s a fair argument to call it a lie.

As I said about your statement, ā€œin my opinion youā€™re using it incorrectly to buttress your argument on a specific point.ā€ Agree or disagree, I donā€™t understand why you would say this is not ā€œfairā€, much less calling your character into question. Again, Iā€™ll ask you to show where the judge said anything supporting the idea that the law prevents ā€œanything that would cause anyone to ā€œfeel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress,ā€ and not for example as CBS says, ā€œteaching or business practices that contend members of one ethnic group are inherently racist and should feel guilt for past actions committed by others.ā€ Iā€™ll be happy to admit I was wrong if that can be shown.

Whether or not it is in fashion is not relevant to the argument that these laws are vaguely written, open to abuse, and effectively prohibit teaching of quote unquote divisive subjects such as race and history. I think that will do nothing to further the cause of respecting everyoneā€™s rights.

The federal judgeā€™s ruling felt the law amounted to muzzling professors, which is the same as prohibiting teaching certain subjects, which is the same as my interpretation. Iā€™m not confident you will see that interpretation so no need to repeat.

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Iā€™ll agree with you on that :slight_smile:

Interesting talk, ignore the clickbait title.

I donā€™t agree with everything from this speaker but as always I would point out how the questioner at the end (kudos to her for standing her ground and continuing to make this important point in the face of an unnecessary race card so that it could be refuted) equated an apparent prohibition against teaching that ā€œindividuals are either a member of the oppressor class or the oppressed class on the basis of race or sexā€ with ā€œteachers can never use the terms oppressor or oppressedā€. I wonder how she got an idea like that, such a blatant oversimplification of the actual language of the law that makes it seem ridiculous, vague, and oppressive in itself? The speaker is interesting, I think itā€™s a balanced talk although clearly from the right.

I see heā€™s done more writing on the subject with DI in addition to science stuff

If Africans didnā€™t sell Africans in Africa whoā€™d ever board the boat? Nobody

Media push CRT because it has high CTR click thru rate.

Divide and conquer - divide USA and conquer market for viewers

Libs sell their country for money

(Blame on both sides: Did conservatives know that trade with China would fund the greatest military expansion and spy network in world history when they piled into China? Yes. They donā€™t care. They know the next generation will have a devastating war with China but their grandchildren will never see the war except on TV).

Media push lib nonsense because common sense in comparison has low click through.

Why does it seem Libs are criminals coming out with ever more outrageous ideas?

Because to increase clicks more outrageous liberalism is needed.

Accusing people of witchcraft was a way to manipulate. Now Libs call people racist fascist. Itā€™s the same and same as Chinese Culture Revolution threat ā€œyou are against the Revolutionā€

Cause and effect

Trumpism is an effect of lib looniness dating at least to Occupy Wall Street which morphed into BLM

Republicans could have controlled the government for 20 years starting in 2016 if theyā€™d chosen a reasonable Republican. 2016 was an opportunity like democrats choosing FDR in 1932. Republicans blew their chance. DeSantis might now be the reasonable Republican

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And the best of them go on to yell at judges at Stanford

Halfway through, and not knowing those specific discipline systems she refers to, I donā€™t see a clear relationship to CRT. So, I popped up to the top for something to tie it in

One of the reasons I prefer about teaching adults, I can just kick them out of my classroom

Maybe the 2nd graders should be learning to play nice together instead of exploring the nuances of racism on the Mayflower?