The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Sometimes it’s better not to read an article before you critique it. Reading the article may just confuse you and muddy the clarity of your critique.


You mean the way some here critique books they’ve never read, mock academic genres they’ve never encountered, and complain about universities they know nothing about and have never set foot in?

That is a rich sugary irony with whipped cream and a big cherry on top! :icecream: :ice_cream: :grin:

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If by this you mean empty-chair levels of ignorance, I 100% agree. Having done the reading, encountered the genres, and knowing an awful lot about universities, that is.

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You forgot virtue signaling.

Sounds like you’re preparing yourself for a possible future academic career! I wish you luck! :salute:

Well, it’s been scintillating as usual. Apologies to the religious. A lot more respect for good parts of it. It was more fun (and far more informative) talking to you, but this is what we’re doing now.

A good read.

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That examiner article about the one person, and their quote featured in a book.

It’s quite the amusing sleight of hand. Take one person, who has a quote in a bestselling book (they did not author it), misrepresent the quote, and try to present it as this person’s views are mainstream and popular.

“Lord, if you can’t make me hate them, at least spare me from their perennial gaslighting, whitemansplaining, and White woman tears,” the prayer says. “Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better. Let me imagine them instead as white-hooded robes standing in front of burning crosses.”

She’s just saying it would be easier for her to not have hope in people, and hate them, so she’s clearly saying this is not her state of mind.

This is why it’s important to put some effort into reading, instead of skimming. :brain:

“Lord, if you can’t make me hate them, at least spare me from their perennial gaslighting, whitemansplaining, and White woman tears,”

Hard to argue these kinds of people aren’t insufferable.

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Another quote from the same person, if any reader makes it all the way to the bottom of the posted article:

So, she is clearly engaged in race-based hate. This is another example of a growing phenomenon that cannot be justified (by the Bible, or the Robin DiAngelo equivalent), and more racism will obviously not make the world less racist; to suggest otherwise is to engage in the very gaslighting that she claims to decry.

Hard to argue these kinds of people aren’t insufferable.


No she isn’t. She’s saying if you had had her experiences, you’d have a reason to hate white people. If you read closely without confirmation bias, you’d see that.

You don’t know what those experiences are. She could have been raped, or had family members put in prison unfairly, or had family members killed, been threatened, profiled, denied jobs she was qualified for. Maybe her parents had crosses burnt on their lawns or relatives killed by mobs. Maybe they lost their house because of unfair housing practices. You don’t know.

Do you know what her experience is? Because if not, YOU are the one doing the gaslighting.

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lol no, she says she has reasons to hate, not that she hates. This ain’t difficult. Not a controversial take from the perspective of African Americans.

I do disagree with one thing about her perspective though. She says it would be easier to hate, implying she maintains hope but it’s hard.

I think it’s naive to actively hope for these people. Would be nice for them to come around, but better to take the approach of ridicule to the pearl clutchers, move forward, and make them catch up. Also an easier approach than both hate or hope! :brain:

In fairness to the BS AA’s have to deal with, easy for me to say though.


Quite like this:

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Couple of things are interesting here.

First, the eagerness to get to confirmation bias.

Second, this strategy employed by RW media like the examiner rag. It’s similar to the effort to quote random hobos off twitter and use their words to represent an entire swath of population.

Instead of finding a hobo full of hate to project out, they’ve gone with twisting someone’s quote and piggybacking on the fact the person was quoted in a bestselling book in the attempt to project the representative of the population thing.

The funny thing is, her quote is pretty normal and the book is very well sold and reviewed. So I guess thanks to the examiner for pointing out this reasonable person is representative of mainstream society. :sweat_smile:

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What? No mirrors?

It’s an inhuman reaction to read her quote, and yell “RACIST” at her in an accusatory manner without knowing her story. Twisting her words around. Then the kicker, mocking her Christianity.

That’s exactly the the kind of racism and bigotry the accusers say they face, but never do in real life. #projection #likeaMF

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Stupidest comment I have read on here in ages.

What on earth are you talking about? Your defensiveness and need to attack personally I am guessing is because I am calling out your religious adherence to a identity politics driven agenda which everyone has for decades pointed out will result in massive divisive ruptures in society which is exactly what we are seeing and the blame for those ruptures, spikes in violence, burning down of cities, killings and random attacks lies at the feet of the disciples who constantly push the poorly thought agenda.


I’m pretty sure this is where…

at least spare me from their perennial gaslighting, whitemansplaining, and White woman tears,


Weird, that 15 minute posting rule disappeared suddenly, not complaining, just not sure how that works. Mysteries of the universe never cease to amaze. :joy:

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You mean your perception of my adherence to said agenda. My agenda is true statements. I like the truth, I don’t like bullshit.

Only someone completely ignorant of history with a perception of American politics manufactured by Right wing blogs would maintain this explanation for these things in the United States. You know nothing, and spread conspiracies.

The agenda are the RW character attacks and gross distortions of academic thought in the US, a completely narcissistic fantasy world of gaslighting.

Now by all means, Im happy to engage in any material you’d like, as long as none of it is from RW hate blogs going forward, and you don’t misrepresent my ideas further.

Quote me in full next time thanks.

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What a joke. You just said this of me.

Why would you say such a stupid thing? You know because I know you read my posts I have condemned violence not just against Asians but everybody. But I have on many occasions spoken on the rise of violence against Asians. also condemning Trumps use of the term China virus.

So why would you be so dishonest to suggest I would justify attacks on Asians? I know, but doubt you do.

I’ll give you a clue, it’s a defensive mechanism you have that attacks people personally and dishonestly when you are presented with uncomfortable truths you would rather avoid and hence is a form of intellectual laziness, an inability or unwillingness to engage in the content of what is presented.

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You said this about me a long time ago. Just kidding, yesterday. Dishonest suggestion, never said it, quote me wrong.

Only quoting you once and leaving, have a nice day.

Ok, so that is where you draw the line, it’s ok to draw up lists of Trump supporters and ok to try target them and try to ruin their lives and get them fired

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