The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Former Trump Chairman of the National Economic Council warns of the dangers of Biden’s climate policy on Fox News “State of the Nation”:

“Speaking of stupid, there’s a study coming out of the University of Michigan which says that to meet the Biden Green New Deal targets, America has to, get this, America has to stop eating meat, stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, and animal-based fats,” Kudlow said. “Ok, got that? No burger on July 4. No steaks on the barbecue. I’m sure Middle America is just going to love that. Can you grill those Brussels sprouts? So get ready.”

No such study exists, but since when do facts matter to Fox News?

“You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag. Call it July 4th Green,” Kudlow argued.

Plant-based beer? The horror! Fox News viewers demand their American patriotic bacon-based beer!

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Hops and barley are dangerous animals that need to be eradicated in an eco-friendly manner. I for one am happy to do my part in contributing to the processing process.

You can find absolutely anything on the internet.

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Right on Caitlyn, you go girl

Down under has the woke disease. You could think there is a link in all these countries. Or it could just be a coincidence:

More shocking is that it has not appeared anywhere else- not at the Melbourne Age, the Australian, the Sidney Morning Herald, ABC or any other Australian news outlet, except Murdoch’s Herald Sun. Oh yeah and a blog, with this:
*** With material from Russia News ***. It’s also available on Russia Times.

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I think you are being facetious, but actually I agree with what you have said here. Degrading people for their gender, religion, or ethnicity should never be tolerated and to have this happen in schools should be reported widely as it is obviously unacceptable.

Unless your point is that this never actually happened, but it happens enough elsewhere that I don’t have trouble believing it is true.

If your point is actually that some genders, ethnicities, and religions deserve this treatment, in this case I disagree with you quite strongly.

If the best you have is that this is problematic because of the source, well, that’s on you.


what’s this?


Aha- spoke too soon.


They must laugh at them:

It doesn’t work because we’re not doing enough of it:

An alternative possibility could be that humans are tribal for evolutionary reasons and life isn’t fair.


Abstract of University of Michigan research paper the Daily Mail, Texas Governor Abbott, and Fox News lied about:
Implications of Future US Diet Scenarios on Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Center for Sustainable Systems
Their ‘reasoning’ seemed to be

  1. This study says that if we were to do these things, greenhouse emissions would drop.
  2. Biden wants greenhouse emissions to drop.
  3. Therefore Biden wants to do these things.

Note: Research paper makes no mention of Biden or his climate policy.

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Right, I noticed that misnomer story doing the rounds in right wing media, Biden has called for steep reductions on CO2 but has been tight lipped on how, right wing media is making all sorts of speculations including banning burgers.

The principal should apologise to the boys on behalf of the school, the person involved should be banned from the school system, the programme should be cancelled or drastically overhauled, and I should keep my mouth shut until the facts come out…

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Well, it’s not a ‘study’, it’s just a lot of navel-gazing. I’ve just skimmed through the PDF and the conclusions are laughably wrong, which is what happens when you try to boil down enormously complex situations into a few simple numbers. The problem is, though, policymakers are probably going to take this seriously, not least because it represents mainstream thought in academia. You’re surely right that the Biden administration neither commissioned that report nor used it to formulate policy, but if Biden intends to keep his election promises, he may well follow it in outline if not in the detail.

The alternative path would involve various political no-go areas, eg., dismantling and rebuilding the USDA and offending the likes of Cargill and Monsanto. Reports like this are written on the assumption that a truly sustainable food economy is politically impossible.


Ha ha:

Looks like a mental health problem more than a skin colour issue. Why do people film everything nowadays? It’s almost like they’re deliberately looking for trouble.

Especially when they’re getting arrested.

Parody clown:

Excellent background music