The peak woke thread (Part 1)

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Are are you linking to RCP? :astonished:

What’s wrong with RCP? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You gave me shit about it a while back.

I know, I’m impressed by your memory :slight_smile: If I recall, I called it “Real Clear Bullshit” :slight_smile: That was ignorant, it’s a great resource. I may have been influenced somewhat by the tone of some of the RCP articles you posted :thinking:

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It’s easy to see the reaction though if you go to their main page. Investigations is VERY good, as is John Tamney’s Markets forum.

There’s a lot of clickbait on the main Politics page. I’ll give detractors that.

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There is, but it’s a good mix of articles with some good ones.

And the videos are nearly all one sided, even when not meant to be I think. lol

Sunday news roundtables aside.

On tokenism, transracialism, logical contradictions, and no correct answers:


Be prepared to add your 23andMe profile with your CV if you plan on getting a job based on your ethnic minority claims in the future.

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maybe we should stop doing this :man_shrugging:


That must be it! The same must apply to JFK, FDR and LBJ. Wait…I think it’s because they have three names.

Who else now is referred to buy their three initials though? :ponder:
I’m not saying they are equating the two of them. It just strikes me as curious that two opposing bell end pols would be referred to in the same manner. :idunno:

It’s good to know that our scholars are doing such important work…

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“the racist myths of Western humanism”

I think when people have long names we like to abbreviate it? :person_shrugging:


That’s a new one. It’s intersectual bullshit. If they could somehow include whiteness and ableist they’d have it sorted.

Indeed. Humanism is bad? Must be all that damned rationalism and independent thought.

We can’t have dignity for all people respected now, can we? I thought it was only the quack creationist types who hated humanism, but I’m learning a lot.

I think it’s postmodernism. Progressives are postmodernists, and this is the root cause of their friction with rational people.