The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Thanks for the confirmation @BiggusDickus.

Ok tried finding any publications that mention “woke” or “wokeness” with payday loans. This is the only slightly relevant thing I found:

So are wokesters more likely to be millennials who don’t save well? Hence the Jordans comment? I remember I think it was Bill O’Reilly mentioning poor people weren’t really poor because they still had TVs. So they shouldn’t buy that iPhone or something along those lines.

I don’t know that’s all I got purely from deduction.

And another transgender woke issue being tested in the courts. Can you simply declare yourself transgender and all is good? I wouldn’t think that the YMCA would support this type of thing due to their purported “Christian values”.

He could get cancelled from either direction really, since he also apparently supports teaching pre-schoolers about sex.

But FWIW I don’t think he was having a go at trans people, I think he was telling everyone it’s okay to be who they are.

I wonder if there are any pro-trans activists actually complaining about this, or only right-wing news sites talking about how people would complain about it …

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Benny Hill would be too
Benny Hill - Cruise on the S.S. Rumpo (1971) - YouTube

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Not sure if this subtopic has been explored before in this thread:

Many are of the opinion that ChatGPT is also woke. PJW YT summary.


I haven’t used it myself to test. Interested to hear from anyone on FM who may have tried it.

Some anecdotes:



More in the schools, touching on race and gender as well as equity

Personally, i don’t think removing Valentines Day as part of organized class time is bad, but kids could still learn about valentine’s day

When I lived in Saudi Arabia, though, flower shops and stuffed animals would close or remove anything red so as not to get a visit from the religious police, so there is that

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"it is not celebrated by all students/families in our community,”

This applies to pretty much everything.

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Good point. Wouldn’t it be more inclusive to include more diversity of cultural traditions?

If there are Muslim students, make sure everyone understands more about Ramadan and head coverings. If there are no Muslim students, all the more reason to teach those things because there are Muslim citizens.

Lunar New Year, etc.

This bit also stuck out to me after a discussion yesterday about the importance of having these difficult conversations in an appropriate way in an appropriate venue. The fact is, one side of the culture wars has a lot of control over the way the debate is being held, and they haven’t learned how to have a rational disagreement


Jonathon Turley wrote a piece recently which brought up that point a few times.

Parents who questioned those policies were treated as extremists.

Michelle Leete, vice president of training at the Virginia PTA and vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA, said parents would not force them to reverse their agenda: “Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward.”


And overview of all religions should be pretty standard in a social studies class. I remember learning about Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ramadan (but actually very little about Chinese culture). That seems like the best approach vs. singling out Islam just because you have a Muslim student. Hey everyone, look at Aleena’s head covering. Let’s talk about it.

When I went to school, in that province, I was considered a person of color, and we had none of that (except a world religions elective on high school, which I took)

But yes, that would be a positive change. It isn’t what is reported as being done, was my point

Btw, the Muslim thing in my post was an example

The values and beliefs of the progressive left.

I’m still don’t get what that has to do with payday loans. Capping interest rates is limiting the free market therefore progressive overreach?

I don’t know what you’re talking about

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Remember these 4 words.

Whatever follows is usually a distraction.

In USA, opening the newspaper or media, one would think there’s only 1 minority.

Why? 1 minority (blacks) has excluded all other races minorities ethnicities and banished all other races ethnicities minorities to the back of the bus.

My brother is an MD and member of a genetic research organization. He told me this story. The President of the organization in a Friday afternoon talk on sickle cell genetics prevalence among different populations said “… black, white, yellow …”. By Monday he was fired.

This is not my experience living in the US. #Asianhate,. #buildthewall. Plenty of stories about other minorities.

I’m talking about this article. What do payday loans have to with woke?

If woke is…

What does that have to do with payday loans? I don’t have a clue how any of that is related. So what do you think? I’ve already guessed.

Keeping illegal immigrants from entering the country is discrimination?

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