The peak woke thread (Part 1)

that’s almost all flags.

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“Woke flags”…Sooo close.

They can do it because academia is complicit in their nonsense. They empower them. They let biased student councils full of these woke airheads to judge them. They were this close to expelling a student based on hearsay.


Thesis originality needs some new meat to gnaw on.

The woke have spoken and this guy is too much.

Maybelline sees boycott over partnership with Dylan Mulvaney (
Nice smear article. lol

Snider and Stanely spent decades making millions of dollars by applying makeup to their faces and wearing what many would consider traditionally women’s clothing and shoewear as they sang and danced and gyrated onstage with their respective bands.



So, Anheuser-Busch has changed their tune, due to a 5B loss in value to their brand by mistakenly trying to go woke with a gay man who pretends to be a woman.


Total hit piece.

I didn’t see anything that Paul or Dee said that was bigoted or anti-trans. I feel their comments were more along the lines of “Let the kids figure it out themselves as they grow and mature and let’s stop parents and others from knee jerk reactions and pushing kids into decisions that could affect them the rest of their lives.”


Whether or not EPATH chooses to listen, the debate over how best to treat patients with gender distress is gaining momentum across Europe. Last year’s announcement that the Tavistock clinic would be shut down, on the grounds its model of care is ‘not safe’ for children, has sent shockwaves across the continent. Medical bodies are now sounding the alarm in Sweden, France and most recently Norway. More and more clinical professionals are coming out to ask for the evidence that mental distress can be successfully treated by ‘gender-affirming’ medical interventions.

Maybe the evidence is there but can’t be measured because technology is bigoted. :crazy_face:


There will be loads of law suits about this. Those who support teens getting gender reassignment will either disappear from view, or claim that they felt they were doing the right thing at the time.

Teenagers are not in a position to decide their gender. At least, not on a permanent basis.


Neither are their parents. I hear this in school, not infrequently. Teachers talking about their toddlers, a boy in one example, who likes to dress up like his big sister. The teacher is trying to be proactive about preparing herself for the possibility that her kid is trans. Kid can’t really even talk. Sure, that’s what going on. :grimacing:


And does Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy play a role?

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Build a kid.

Another good one at Spiked today



After some silly and irrelevant trivia about the biology of lizards and fish (humans are neither fish nor lizards), the Scientific American article concludes by claiming that anyone who upholds the human sex binary is ‘trying to restrict who counts as a full human in society’. This single claim inadvertently reveals a great deal about what is wrong with the trans movement. Unable to refute the truth of the human sex binary, gender ideologues resort to demonising those who notice it as having ulterior, sinister motives.

Dr Emma Hilton is a developmental biologist at the University of Manchester and a co-founder of the women’s rights organisation, Sex Matters. When I asked her what compels otherwise sensible people to make anti-scientific claims about human sex, she said: ‘Charitably, if you remove the ability to classify (by arguing classifications are arbitrary, meaningless, etc), you remove the ability to discriminate (or at least stigmatise). So, for some, “sex blindness” is a genuine strategy for social change. But it is a stupid one.’

When activists demand that we reject scientific facts and engage in magical thinking, their movement then strays into the realm of theocracy. How odd that so many scientists have embraced these new faith-based claims.

Well, the church has been in power for what about 2000 years. That’s great, say the politicians and politically powerful uber rich.

Thought it was this one:

This message was all the more important because a conservative speaker had been [shouted down two weeks earlier]

Fire the fucking professor.

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A bar in Indiana just couldn’t shut the fuck up and pour drinks. Now they are on the verge of going out of business. Just stupid!

I went to their Facebook page and they were getting hammered so hard they had to turn off commenting. Some of the comments that made it in before they turned them off are golden!

Way to alienate your core customer base knuckleheads!

The ole non-apology clarification. Believe in free speech? Then why turn off commenting on your FB page?

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Now, if hormones are given to kids - which some lunatics like to do, how would a male born person manage to get the operation when old enough, if there is nothing to work with?
More experimental colon transplants?


And this is an interesting take: