The peak woke thread (Part 1)

The risk with turning US overseas military intervention into a Dem/Rep pissing contest is the president who did the best job at reducing it this century was…

What in the world are you talking about?

I’m honest every day, all day.

Media too, the cheerleading was disgusting.

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Who’s reduced it? the us spends more on military than ever and has stepped up as many engagements at is stopped if you’re getting at what I assume you are.

MSM is a combination of left leaning voices, establishment interests and right leaning voices. Mostly in the MSM the right leaning voices are on Fox, which many already censor and even then the establishment interests outweigh the right leaning voices.

Given the majority of Republicans are at odds with the establishment wing of the party, there is almost no presence for them in any MSM outlets, which you have decided is a prerequisite for being heard or read creating your echo chamber.

When a blog or news outlet is outside your bubble chamber you will invariably do a character assassination of the publican or person in an effort to dismiss the article or opinion.

This is an option only available to those on the left since they have a near monopoly on MSM, education, entertainment and can truly create an information bubble for themselves.


It’s better to get specific when you make arguments about this stuff.

Since you seem to have already implied this about me, I’ll ask again, what in the world are you talking about?

Self awareness is not your strong suit I see, weren’t you just a couple of days ago creating a 100 post thread because you wouldn’t listen to a clip provided by another poster? I think you were, while at the same time giving your reasoning why you won’t read or watch from certain sites or certain people, but to be honest it’s every publican or source you don’t align with politically, I find you are just the best example of someone who didn’t just create their own echo chamber but proudly tell everyone you did.


No, I didn’t create that thread.

I watched the video, just couldn’t take it seriously.

Nor did I take a demand from another poster to answer his question seriously.

This is where you’re getting crossed up, I guess?

Glad we’re clear. Rest assured I take it all in.

Funnily enough the first thing I find criticises Trump for not sticking to his promise to increase military spending, as in real terms it’s less than Obama.

The number of troops overseas hasn’t reduced much. I’ve no idea about the number of military engagements.

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I’m sure you will find a hearty “Please do”.

See, mups, what you failed to realize is that when Hillary, Obama. and John Kerry led the U.S. into war with Iraq, that thousands of good conservatives poured onto the street to protest. You may have imagined the right-wingers were calling leftists ‘traitors to Western civilisation’ and screaming against the Dixie Chicks, but it was all in your head. Republicans actually opposed the Iraq war- it just looked like they utterly supported it and labelled George W. "Mister Conservative’ because of the Deep State. Or something.
In short , I’d like to conclude by restating those old conservative sayings;
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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While the amount of censorship a platform should do is worth debating, how is it a "woke’ issue, especially when talking misinformation?


Bush and Obama were best at reducing our foreign presence (of course bush caused the big surge). The big iraq drawdown agreements largely happened under bush, with the actual drawdowns happening under obama. The major afgh drawdowns, both agreements and execution, happened under obama.


I just wish it was as cheap and easy to get out as it is to get in. Takes up to a year and $2,400 now to get “permission” to not be a U.S. citizen anymore.

I was offered a settlement in exchange for my silence, but I turned it down. My need to tell the truth — and to be the kind of woman Smith taught me to be — makes it impossible for me to accept financial security at the expense of remaining silent about something I know is wrong. My children’s future, and indeed, our collective future as a free nation, depends on people having the courage to stand up to this dangerous and divisive ideology, no matter the cost.

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I quite like Bari Weiss, she’s been on Bill Maher a few times as well. Super cute, super smart; I think when she left the NYT the last of my interest in the paper went with her…

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You know when products list their ingredients on the back, they list the most dominant ones first, right? :wink:

Did you just equate a woman to a product? :face_with_monocle: :smile:

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Then have at it and don’t allow yourself to get needlessly sidetracked by semantics.

BC as GG writes, the Hunter Biden story wasn’t. But you knew that.