The peak woke thread (Part 2)

Oh no! He can’t fly delta. :banana:

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That seems wild so I looked it up. He wasn’t arrested for refusing to use the “correct” gender pronouns. Burke was arrested for trespassing. He was suspended from the school because he refused to use the pronoun a transitioning student wanted others to use. He ignored the suspension and kept showing up to classes, at which point the school got a court injunction barring him from school grounds. He ignored the court order and has repeatedly tried to return to the school, seemingly to draw media attention to his case.


He’s still at it?



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He should have taken them to court, I think he had valid concerns and a valid complaint against their retaliation. By choosing tresspass he helps nobody, especially not himself. Maybe doing it for the right reasons, but comes off as a dumb asshat that wants to be a martyr


I completely agree. It sounds like he had a reasonable civil case for wrongful termination. But no, he chose to try and make a media spectacle of himself. The article says that he is an evangelical claiming he was fired for his religious beliefs, so maybe he’s actively seeking out martyrdom.

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Makes one wonder what his behavior was like leading to censure from the school authorities. Was he calm and respectful and reasonable, or did he act like the video and article make him out to be?

Cultural appropriation is such a stupid concept



Doctor refused to publish trans kids study that showed puberty blockers didn't help mental health?

Nobody should be offended. Its called Bobba not Boba. Boba is different to the original meaning anyway, as it encompasses all of those types of drinks which in Taiwan are basically just called… drinks.

That sima liu guy sounds like a git anyway. He is chinese yet he is claiming something Taiwanese while telling others they cannot. No self awareness.

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Very fashionable in Canada now to be perpetually offended, people are just looking for reasons.

I was in Thrifty’s tonight buying like 5 brands of Kombucha, but with my Moshe Dayan t-shirt. Got some looks from the purple hairs. :laughing: :canada: :clown_face:


The first thing that comes to an average Westerner’s mind when he hears the name Boba isn’t tea or a porn star.

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Associated Press, so read with circumspection. They’re along for the ride as long as woke is fashionable among those who influence their brand.

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Did you watch the video?

No. Looks like a pedestrian woke do what the woke do, aka dog bites man story, and I don’t feel like being fair to the woke folk by taking a closer look, not today.

Ok, confirmation bias then.