The peak woke thread (Part 2)

Little People is currently the PC term. Dwarf is currently unacceptable. Dwarfism isn’t presumably because it’s a medical term.

I’ve drunk in The Magic Midget. It’s a bit of a shit pub.

Some nobs would find that offensive. I believe the PC term is protrusion.

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Thank god Rowling is too rich to cancel.



I don’t often (ok ever) recommend NPR programs, but this post-election episode is worth a listen because it makes unusual leftist noises in support of Rowling’s overall point about academia (but no mention of her).

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IDK if this is true. But OMG-- sick.

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I’ll bet you it’s not real.

I seem to recall the name tho–and something similar about posts made in very poor very woke taste.

Yeah this is fake though :grin:

The antiwoke backlash is always worse! “She didn’t say that, Jimbobjoe. YEW did.”

“She made me!”

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Sarah Jeong is that racist piece of shit who became infamous for posting tweets about how she and her Asian-American friends giggle about how much they hate white males when they hold their slumber parties. How she still has a job is beyond me. Double standards - if I posted crap about how much I hate Asian women…

Do you hate Asian women?

Sarah Jeong, certainly.


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I hate white males when they throw their stupid slumber parties too.

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Actually I misremembered, it had nothing to do with slumber parties.

That last one was actually pretty funny. So that explains why Chinese carry umbrellas to ward off sunshine.

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I bet her husband/bf is white.

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I bet she gaped stupidly after the election and asked “how could Americans vote for Trump?”

Maybe you and the rest of the liberal elite calling young white males racist for the past decade or more had something to do with it, sweet cheeks.