The peak woke thread (Part 1)

I shoulder great weight.

Seriously, go watch The Black Box— now!


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cuz people might just go blind to the subject as well:

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His definition is the biological definition of “male” and it works for all species. Annie Wilkes there is basically admitting that her definition (to the extent that she even has one) doesn’t work for any species except humans.

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is she in a sanatorium? If not, it’s a good place for her to be

I had a student union position when the Jordan Peterson thing broke, and it came up at an official social function. I was sitting between a gender studies masters student and a biology PhD student specializing in bees, both women. The bio stuudent couldn’t process the “no such thing as biological sex” argument, it was pretty fun to watch.

Even flowering plants have two sexes, pollen is just plant semen flying through the air!

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Thanks for that interesting mental image :slight_smile:

I do wonder what the hell happened to people like this to bring them to the place that they’re in. I’m sure 50 years ago someone talking like this would be gently recommended to get some therapy.

Driving down the road today in Austin I saw the most cliche embodiment of wokeness possible: a butchy-looking white girl with blue hair, shaved on the sides, and a look of arrogance + disgust. Being America, she was also fat.

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But the 5% are unfortunately in control of virtually all US institutions.

If anyone actually watches this after the dumpster fire that was the final season of GoT, they only have themselves to blame.

Now I have to watch this just to see how woke it went.

Never read nor watched GoT, however, I was in a hotel recently with HBO, and it was showing a long commercial preview of the series, so I didn’t really have any precognizant image of the original.
My opinion is the same. Looks like garbage.

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It was disappointing but not a dumpster fire, for me

I’ll probably give this one the old college try. I’m enjoying season 11 of The Walking Dead, and that show had some bad seasons, too

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That’s where I am. I canceled my HBO Max membership, but I’ll give this a try eventually.

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The kids are starting to fight back…


“I had called him a him”. It’s a bit unlikely.

EDIT: I suppose it’s not that unlikely. “Please pass the book to him” or something. I’d have thought that using student names would be less unusual.

The woke can’t even keep it straight.

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She should spend less time obsessing about pronouns on TikTok and more time preparing actual lessons to teach Banana and Rock.


She should spend, like, less time, like, obsessing…

What sane person over the age of 23 uses shit like TikTok anyway? Even my uni students think it’s for babies.

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