The peak woke thread (Part 1)

Can’t let Asians keep messing up the narrative.



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Asians are boxed in with whites:


I for one was very disappointed with the lack of divirsity in the recent Mulan movie. Not a single person of colour in sight!

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Weren’t there cartoon characters of color?

Haven’t seen it tbqph

Staff were crying at a meeting over Penguin publishing Peterson’s next book.


Noice! :laughing:


Off with her head !!!

Vice questioners laughing and joking, aware that they’re mocking the whole woke thing, but I guess stillingray and followers are too stupid to understand this

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It’s an odd joke to make. VICE is making fun of being woke, yeah?


Here’s the full interview if you want more context. I personally find Jake Paul to be a massive chud but he did take their razzing pretty well. Obviously it was a dumb question, good on him for pointing it out. The interviewers were laughing at it too, but I do think they were trying to get a coherent response out of him, which he provided well enough with some version of “how can it be racist? it’s sport”.

I think he did alright, and this video doesn’t prove what you think it does, especially when you isolate a 20 second soundbyte and go “a-ha!”. Another baby-brained take.


broke: taking soundbytes out of context
woke: considering the full clip, the larger social context, and the current events surrounding it

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I’ll remember that.


party line: forcing the square peg of ideology into the round hole of common sense and declaring it a job well done.


hypocrisy: inevitable yet also rampant, a hallmark if not qualifier for many posts on forumosa

wokespeak: language salad that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.

example of wokespeak per this definition:

“fake news” - popularized during and following the 2016 us presidential election to refer to literal fake news bots and disinformation planted by a foreign adversary and spread either intentionally or unintentionally by american users of social media.
later hijacked and re-defined by the 45th us president to refer to any media coverage he deems to be unfavorable toward him, or which he simply does not like.

“Fake news” is just wokespeak for propaganda.