The Philosophy Discussion Thread

For the Christian philosopher community:

Makes sense to the non believer as well I think.

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“The kingdom of God is within you.”
-Luke 17:21

God gave us this physical realm to allow us to freely choose who and where we want to be for eternity. He won’t make changes to it without our permission. Prayer is us opening up our hearts and giving God a portal for making beneficial changes in this physical realm. Our hearts are hardened with selfishness and self-righteousness though and struggle to open up even a pinprick of an opening for his healing grace. We then blame God for abandoning us.

Yeah. Word.

How do you know?

Just happened to stumble upon Scruton today. had some interesting things about the liberal left’s political negativity that I found interesting. Worth a watch.

And that led me to a longer, older discussion about conservativism, which was taped just after trump was sworn in in 2017.

The Trump conversation starts about 30 minutes in. I won’t spoil it, but it is worth a listen, as I think the conservative position/perspective is presented quite reasonably, as is Scruton’s defense against the liberal attacks against it.

The guy that was banned from the WSJ for pretending to write articles supporting smoking (“nanny state ruining all our pleasures”) while concealing the fact that he was actually being paid to write the articles by the Japan Tobacco International?

That’s nice, Mike. Thanks. :pray:

More on that

You’re welcome. Always good to realise that someone you thought was a decent human being was actually a scumbag.

Well, the idea of someone writing pro smoking articles would have been enough of a clue!

Now nicotine ain’t so bad I hear! :joy:

Again, politics isn’t a 2D spectrum. It is at least a 3D spectrum. If you define being left as valuing equity, and right as valuing equality, then attributing authoritarianism to the left or the right just because there were past examples of a left or right authoritarian regime, you should come to the conclusion that everyone is authoritarian. The actual picture is people who subscribe to the ideas of the left or the right could also believe in there being a best way to achieving their goals. Some believe in the process and people eventually making the right decisions together, and some believe that changes must be made immediately and only they have the vision and the ability to accomplish those goals.

In my view, equity and equality should be balanced according to the conditions on the ground. So I would be very very wary of anyone equating authoritarianism to the left or the right. I think they are making false equivalences and using fear to justify keeping other positions out of power.

Anyway, I probably explained myself more clearly back in this thread

Yeah I property much skipped that entire thread.

Most people are a mix of issues and experiences and their politics has been reduced to a popularity contest.

Something that could be minimized with a less archaic voting system.

Voters are barely knowledgeable as it is about local issues, but seem to think they know way more than they do about national and geopolitical ones.

We are funny monkeys :monkey_face:

I’m reserve my judgement until we have clear examples of voters given a spectrum of choices using STAR voting or other kinds of Condorcet criterion compliant voting methods.

Seems important to know this stuff these days-- in certain forums more than others.