The Rape of Europe

I just came across this piece in The Brussels Journal…Reminds me alot of the description of the late 1930s I heard once…

[quote]The German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (12 October) that young Europeans who love freedom, better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now. Whilst sitting on a terrace in Berlin, Broder pointed to the other customers and the passers-by and said melancholically: “We are watching the world of yesterday.”
“The dominant ethos,” he told De Volkskrant, “is perfectly voiced by the stupid blonde woman author with whom I recently debated. She said that it is sometimes better to let yourself be raped than to risk serious injuries while resisting. She said it is sometimes better to avoid fighting than run the risk of death.”

In a recent op-ed piece in the Brussels newspaper De Standaard (23 October) the Dutch (gay and self-declared “humanist”) author Oscar Van den Boogaard refers to Broder’s interview. Van den Boogaard says that to him coping with the islamization of Europe is like “a process of mourning.” He is overwhelmed by a “feeling of sadness.” “I am not a warrior,” he says, “but who is? I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it.”[/quote]

Yawn…Perhaps we should all emigrate to Mexiceo…erm, sorry, the US where we’ll all be better off?

And they said that in the 1930’s?

Sure. Europe had a couple of wars but there was no fighting. It just let itself get raped. :unamused:

Swings and roundabouts: Things happen. It gets too much. People complain. There’s a war. Things revert back to normal. People get bored. Things happen. It get’s too much. People complain. There’s a war. Things get back to normal…you get the picture…

And they said that in the 1930’s?[/quote]

No. I once talked to a German Jew who stated that everyone knew something bad was coming but thought if they kept their heads down it would pass them by. You missed the “melancholy”…

[quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“Dangermouse”]
And they said that in the 1930’s?[/quote]

No. I once talked to a German Jew who stated that everyone knew something bad was coming but thought if they kept their heads down it would pass them by. You missed the “melancholy”…[/quote]

That’s what most Americans are hoping about the Military Commission Act of 2006.

That’s what most Americans are hoping about the Military Commission Act of 2006.[/quote]

Let’s not take this off topic spook.

If you want to talk about the military, let’s start a new thread about reopening investigations into war crimes committed by US forces in Vietnam.

[quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“spook”]
That’s what most Americans are hoping about the Military Commission Act of 2006.[/quote]

Let’s not take this off topic spook.

If you want to talk about the military, let’s start a new thread about reopening investigations into war crimes committed by US forces in Vietnam.[/quote]

I thought trading freedom for the security was the topic.

[quote=“spook”][quote=“Doctor Evil”][quote=“spook”]
That’s what most Americans are hoping about the Military Commission Act of 2006.[/quote]

Let’s not take this off topic spook.

If you want to talk about the military, let’s start a new thread about reopening investigations into war crimes committed by US forces in Vietnam.[/quote]I thought trading freedom for the security was the topic.[/quote]My crystal ball tells me spook is just wanting to post a super neato quote from a well-known historical figure to buttress whatever spookism hes waiting to hurl out.

Thats my guess…