The Sad State of America Today

I’m about 100lbs overweight at the moment. If I train as hard as I used to I would be a solid 270lbs with little fat but my lean muscle mass is considerably lower than previous years of training.

If I were 240lbs, I’d still look massive but I’m not satisfied with that size. For a big man I consider myself pretty agile but again, now that I’m at 340lbs, I feel very sluggish and my cardiovascular health is suffering. I hate reminders in the form of shortness of breath and the strength that’s actually needed to truck my big ass around.

240lbs to 270lbs are optimum weights for my athletics.

There’s something to be said for this sort of motivation on this island. I haven’t been able to russle up the urge like I would back home. Either way I look at it, fat or muscular, I’m still regarded as a freak (local attention) when I walk down the street. I also prefer the ‘fat’ comments more than I prefer the shock value and endless questions when I first arrived.

The island hasn’t a job for me that requires my strength abilties.


I got more chins than a Chinese phone book.

I’m 108 kilos. on a lean day, and not real pretty. But, I’m still lighter than my mom and dad. I’m content, it’s all good. I love meat, meat, meat, too many animals on this planet, as far as I’m concerned.
I recently had dinner with a table full of famous folk. One of the women was hand fed by one of her assistants, 1 piece of tofu, 1 shrimp, 1 vegetable and so on. Who wants to live like that?
The star treating us to dinner and I were eating sausage, duck, lobster and washing it all down with a good whiskey. While we took turns sharing jokes.
That’s the way to live! HAPPY and CONTENT!!! Don’t go to bed hungry.

The name MONSTER all of a sudden makes sense. I didn’t know they even made them that massive anymore. :wink: It must suck scaring people all the time. :stuck_out_tongue: Reminds me of a joke…

Q: What do you call a 6 feet tall, 300 pound guy?

A: Mister

Mr. Monster it is. :wink:


Nothing personal to monster or anything but big guys are only really tough till they turn around and you smash them in the back of the head with a beer bottle. That’s always been my philosphy anyway.


Ya alot of people seem to be scared at first and because of how I look, some people come up with wild assumptions that become frustrating over time. “You look like a gangster” or “You look like a criminal”. HA! Perhaps I do but I’m far from it. Ma Ke could probably relate to this in some aspects.

Reminds me of The Princess Bride -

“Where are the keys?”
“What keys?”
“Fezzik, rip off his arms”
“OH! thoooose keys”

Meat. Ah yes, some lucky ladies I have cooked for do not appreciate hunks of animal flesh like I do. They simply pick at it or cover it in sauce. Steak, Pork Fillets, Poultry Breast (Turkey, Chicken or wild game), Fish…I could literally sit down and eat nothing but meat if it’s done properly with spices etc.

Meat and Potatos kinda guy.

Anyway, the point is that it’s not impossible to ‘outgrow’ yourself. Bigger people have an ability to store fat in ways some of you smaller folks cannot. Ages ago, people like me would have survived longer than some of you skinnies. But you all come to people like me for help if needed. Ha!

Why in the hell would you make a comment like that? Goes to show your character. You just came off as a backstabbing prick. Anyone that hits someone from behind deserves a goddamn beating if he doesn’t kill the bastard first. No disrespect, of course. :loco:

Never turn your back to a thin pussy drinking a beer, beer is for pussies. No offense intended!
God bless the trail mix, chicken burger eating, healthy, happy male.

And here I thought this thread was about us obese people. :laughing: My mistake.

Why in the hell would you make a comment like that? Goes to show your character. You just came off as a backstabbing prick. Anyone that hits someone from behind deserves a goddamn beating if he doesn’t kill the bastard first. No disrespect, of course. :loco:[/quote]

Yeah, I thought I’d catch shit for that. Anyway, it’s like I said, nothing personal. Bobpine thinks you call big people mister. I think you occassionaly meet big bastards that think they can push people around. Such individuals sometimes need to be reminded of their vulnerability.

I’ll give you an example. One time I was sitting at a bus stop and these two big, mean, stupid looking arseholes decided the bus stop wasn’t big enough for the three of us and so basically pushed me off the seat and told me to fuck off. They then sat down and leant their heads against the glass encloser that was built across the back of the shelter. I walked around behind them and kicked the glass they were leaning against as hard as I possibly could. They didn’t do much about it I don’t suppose because their brains were probably rattled for the next week. Perhaps permanently. Sorry about that.

I would not likely do the same thing again, but I leave it to you, do you think those fuckers deserved a personality adjustment or not? And assuming you thought they did do you think I should have stood face to face with them and gotten my head kicked in?

Anyway, I don’t see why you’d call me a back stabber. I wasn’t talking behind your back or even about you specifically.

The act itself is cowardice and I believe that anyone with a pair would stand in my face to disagree with words and when all else fails, physically. When a debate, argument or whatever you want to call it escalates, screw the PC jargon. You and only you can know if and/or when it’s worth fighting for what you believe in or simply walking away.

Call me a barbaric Canadian thug but I do believe that sometimes differences of opinion can be settled with an old fashioned scrap. Hell, I remember one time in Canada where I had disagreement with a small man and he took my head off. Sure I got the upper hand in the end but because I had offened him, it made me think afterwards. Did I deserve it? Maybe. The next time I saw the little bastard I actually bought him a beer. It must be out of this world for some people to contimplate this but it was funny as hell to be drinking beers with a guy that blackened my eye. I respect men that will stick up for themselves and directly deal with the situation.

Seriously you think it was cowardice to kick them both in the back of the head at the same time? Crazy maybe, stupid definitely, but I don’t think it was cowardice. In any even sorry to have injected that bit of nastiness into what was a light hearted conversation. It’s just a point of logic that has always baffled me about bullies and bullies are usually big.

Bob, sorry for the misunderstanding. I was trying to point out you previous comment that involved smashing someone in the back of the head with a beer bottle. That’s all. As for what you did? HA…I would say given the numbers (2 on 1) and the fact that they were larger than you, then yes, what you did was alright to me. When they aren’t playing fair you have to do what you have to do.

I seem to recall the Taipei Times published an editorial along these lines a day or two after 9/11.

Funny thing is you know that was probably the most violent thing I have ever done and if you want to know the absolute honest to god truth it was also one of the most exciting moments of my life. Generally I really try to be “nice” to everybody and if someone is out right aggresive like that I am shocked. Like a deer in the headlights I stand there not knowing, basically, what the fuck is happening. On the extremely odd occassion though its like a switch is thrown or something and I just don’t care and bingo bango shit happens. When people talk about fighting fair and stuff like that I don’t know what they mean. If I was in the mood to be fair I wouldn’t fight.

True but also keep in mind that I’m not taking random acts of violence into consideration. In those cases drastic measures are called for - tooth, nail, hair and eyeball type shit.

Hey, wasn’t this thread about obesity?

bob, I don’t really believe in calling big guys “Mister” as you put it. It was a joke. I’d say the majority of them(big guys) wouldn’t hurt a fly. Think BigFluffyMatthew. Certainly he can kick some ass pretty decently but I doubt he would have any interest in that.

I must say though. Attacking two big fluffy fellows on your own is a far cry for cowardice. It’s suicidal tendencies if anything and something only young and crazy testosterone-filled males would do. In other words it’s stupid. :wink:


Agreed. I was taught growing up to watch my own strength so I guess it’s engrained in a bigman’s mind that he has to be gentle.

See now that’s the opposite of me. Since I am such a little guy they always taught me to be viscious as hell!

Seriously though it’s always fun to talk about the stupid scraps you got into as young man isn’t it. And of course none of us here ever got our lights punched out right? :wink:

This is really just cruel. It’s so easy for people to become fat. Especially since healthy food costs so much more. If the government really cared it would make all the unhealthy stuff costs more. Put the “fat tax” on the candy, donuts, and french fries. Make it cheaper to buy vegetables and whole grain bread.

Also, it would make it easier for overweight and obese people to get proper preventative and early intervention care. I used to work at a hospital, insurance doesn’t cover visits to the nutritionists–even when your doctor says you need a radical dietary change. Seriously, once you’ve gained a certain amount of weight, it becomes almost impossible to lose it without professional help.

Or, let’s go a step further: jobs should honor the sanctity of the lunch-hour. People should be given an hour to an hour and half to eat their food in peace. I saw way too many people in NYC either skipping meals to keep working or just wolfing down something in 10 minutes at their desks. Skipping meals left them malnourished and encoraged them to binge eat later. Eating in a hurry left them with indigestion; and, I daresay, they were also malnourished as the food did not provide them with a lot of nutrients either because it was fast food or was not chewed sufficiently for it to breakdown and release the vitamins.