Cool. I listened to a podcast featuring her t’other day. I don’t really know North American regional accents but she’s got one to go with her name. Sort of Little House on the Prairie. (I’m probably way off, but its gotta funny - but not bad funny - twist to it now and then)
That aside, I thought it was pretty solid, (tho, a bit limited in certain ways), and accorded with my own experiences. The clincher for me was her saying that a crucial part of the equation was loving where you are, and what you have, now.
Which is to say that if you’re not happy with what you’ve got, you’re in a state of general resistance, which won’t allow your desires to manifest. Or as Hicks puts it, you’re including in your vibrational field what you don’t want, as well as what you want.
I’m not sure I completely understand it in her terms, but what I do know is that anytime I can fully accept the way things actually are, they seem to transform themselves into something much better: either circumstances change or my perspective transforms.
I really do think there’s a general principle at work: if you can fully be where you are then you free those circumstances, and/or, your mind, to move. Whether that movement is a deepening or a move on to something better, its all good. I think its about giving reality the freedom to simply be. And for reality simply being is a state of moving and becoming. And if we’re in a state of resistance, then this process of becoming is all skewed and effed up.
Whereas, if we combine some decent goals, plus some action, plus fully accepting now, then we’re placing ourselves right at the center of this becoming, both allowing it the freedom to be and move, and giving it some focus and direction.
And what’s cool about her is that she doesn’t say ‘accept’ what you got now, but ‘love it’. As if you could. And I think you can. Even pain and suffering can be totally cool if taken on board fully.
Ok, rave over. Now its time for me to send out the vibes for that blond and Mercedes soft top my spiritual development demands. 
You don’t have a copy of, ‘The Secret’ do you by any chance? I know its pretty much an infomercial, but I think it would be fun to watch it with a group (small or large). We could get inspired and scornful at one and the same moment.