The slippery slope... in Taiwan! šŸ˜²

Hey Doomsday crowd, whereā€™s your outrage over this?

Oh no! The sky is falling! Sheā€™s Justinā€™s long lost sister! Soon the island will be Venezuela 2.0! :runaway: Right?

By all means, please post more examples of this type of phenomenon here, but letā€™s keep it relevant to Taiwan. :desert_island: :slight_smile:

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Im not following it much. The obvious question is are they qualified? If so, pr possibly so, what is the slippery slope? I doubt they are the sell out to China crowdā€¦

Oh, come on. She looks nothing like Bieber.

Thereā€™s a Shakespeare quote for that somewhereā€¦

Itā€™s not her, itā€™s her cat. They are the true rulers of Taiwan.

All Hail Chairman Meowā€¦


Chairman who? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thatā€™s A Tsai and Hsiang Hsiang.

As for the alleged feline shadow government, no comment. :zipper_mouth_face:

The cats control her mind, who in turn rules Taiwanā€¦

Big deal! So the President has and is a fan of pussyā€¦cats.

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Perhaps a certain photographer can answer the second question. I donā€™t recall him asking whether Justinā€™s female cabinet ministers were qualified, so I guess heā€™s not interested in the first question.

I wouldnā€™t expect any from youā€¦

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I wonder if heā€™s married.

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Probably not with now certain he is with Han kuo yu not being a woman.