The slippery slope

It’s such a silly action by the city council. The amount money they give to the shelter is relatively small, 34k out of 1m budget, yet they felt the need to do so in order to make some kind of current-year statement about inclusivity.

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These trans rights activities have such a sense of entitlement. It’s obvious that female rape victims won’t want to receive counselling from a man who identifies as a woman.


Can you imagine, being told you’re a bigot because you feel more comfortable with a counselor that’s a biological female after something so traumatic.

I think trans rights groups have made their point. Trans people obviously need to have a place in society regardless of how you feel about them. They exist, but there needs to be some reasonable concessions on some common sense issues. I feel like going about things this way will make everyone eventually turn on them.


or just legalize PEDs for all female events (being kind of sarcastic). I think men on average have about 11 times the amount of testosterone women have and that starts from around puberty.


Five centuries ago. Seriously?

This is ridiculous. The Vikings, Romans, Huns etc aren’t far off time-wise. I should be asking the descendants of the Angles, Saxons, Normans and others for an apology but no doubt part of myself would have to apologise to me.


Among the latest expressions of nihilism by the elitist left. These people seem to want to be rich as Midas on the one hand, and made to feel like shit about it on the other.

I’m all for the latter. :wink:


Are people guilty by DNA? The Mexican president is definitely of Spanish descent, although he claims a bit of indigenous (can’t see it myself in his photos), so if it’s a case of apologising for the crimes of one’s ancestors then he should be apologising too.

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Ask our Pocahontas, or any number of Americans who have claimed to own (racial) minority DNA and tried to profit by it. Pocahontas is all for paying reparations to both black Americans and native Americans, although she’s short on details on how/if DNA would be used to determine qualification or amount.

But no, it’s a completely silly idea imo. In Mexico the Aztecs and other indigenous peoples took their power by means that made those used by Spain seem like a kindergarten tea party. Same in the US. For example, see any of the Plains Indians tribes. And none of the above applies to anybody who was born in the 20th century or since, let alone living today, for crying out loud. :crazy_face:

I agree, in the end it reduces to one having to pay one’s own self reparations. The financial end is a wash while the anger/aggrieved end blossoms. Manifest stupidity.


Spaniards tend to be Catholics. Catholics believe in original sin.


Religion of peace. Good Muslims would always know when to ignore the teachings of the Quran.

Socially conservative attitudes prevail across Asia with Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei banning sexual relationships between men, while Indonesia has seen an increase in raids targeting LGBTQ people in recent years.

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Hopefully this thread will not turn into another:“YeAh BuT wHaT aBoUt ChRiStIaNiTy 500 yEaRs AgO???” show.


White people are the devils spawn. Even their diet is evil.

“Man’s hysterectomy”. Ok.

I see the good old strategy of asking a religious bakery to bake a current-year cake and sue them if they refuse has moved to more remunerative businesses.

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But he hasn’t got a womb ! But he doesn’t want babies . Crazy

I think he had a womb at the time.

Oh , I see . It’s all so very confusing to someone who just sees Men and Women as …Men and Women . Apologies but science and reality keep getting in the way of my understanding of all these Genders :anguished:


You better hope that person doesn’t lurk on Forumosa or you’d be sued for several gorillion dollars!