How could I be wrong again? If you were constantly MAKING money on the market, then you would already be a multi-millionaire instead of one in the making… I still believe that the big players control the larger up and down swings of the market, aside from the obvious spending or lack of spending, employment and unemployment factors…
I thank you for you advice even so, Okami. However, I have usually made more money than I have spent, and have saved most from simple labor and work, not any other way… (Have you ever heard about the distinction between Work and Labor that is drawn throuh the analyses of thinkers, probably since Morgan, up through Marx and Weber and finally Arendt? I read them all and none of them ever mentioned or worried about the stock market…) However, I am getting tired of labor and work now… As everyday passes, I resent, more and more the idea of giving my time to rich people who do not compensate me adequately for the work I do.
( A tangent: I have written a lot of poetry and fiction that was not published because of the socialized repression of free expression back in Canada – perhaps more aptly named: class condescension…? Anyway, I cannot seem to get it together enough to create any opportunity to “SELL” the fruits of my real talents – which is art, pure and simple… People want plastic pulp and bulk bags… Oh sure, I try again every few years or so, in case the bigots have died off – but they haven’t yet, alas, ha, ha… They’re still jacking off at the small presses, looking down at me from their Catholic, Yale and Presbyterian towers… It isn’t good when someone migrates to Canada – unless you are fresh-off-the-boat – and I was third generation… Now, I’ve been away from “home” about ten years, maybe I could re-emigrate and pretend that I am fresh-off-the-boat-enough to get a refugee grant, like all those nice little Indian boys who have made it so big… What a laugh: “Give Ondanjte a publisher, 'cause he won’t be able to get a job from that f–king Orangeman, Jackie!” )
But since this is about financial security; since I am not interested in the stock market, and since I cannot be permitted to succeed as an artist, even though I am an artist, nothing more – then I should think that if I don’t want to work for the rich man’s company any longer – illegal activity…!?
Perhaps heroin smuggling shall yield me my country cabin in the hills? Perhaps not… I do have some investments in classic sci-fi paperbacks that may pay-off twenty years from now, not to mention some early editions of Rimbaud and Lowry, but not much else… But the truth is, I don’t want to accumulate much money at all… I already have enough…
Two Sticks
two sticks, three, four then five
six sticks and some stringy old glue
here’s a head made of paper -
two dimensions of you!
flat and callow,
we feel nothing’s new.
a leaf in the stream
or a feather on air:
life arrives like a dream…
and we won’t remember,
when it’s over,
the dream all dreamt…