The Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Thread

This is IMHO the best show on TV now (well, now that Dexter is on break).

Get it if you can.


Damn, am I the only one watching this show?

Just great casting, writing and deadpan slapstickian humor.

And Heroes’ Hiro was the “special guest” on this week’s show. :slight_smile:

I’ll play. It is very funny…pithy even. Quickly-paced and intelligently subtle, Aaron Sorkin has another winner on his hands. I am also completely enamoured with it’s antithetic sister piece 30Rock. Together, NBC is taking back the night.

Oddly, I can’t stand SNL. Haven’t really been a fan of the cue-card reading pseudo-actors that have populated it ever since John Belushi, Jane Curtain, Dan Akroyd, Lorraine Newman, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, Garrett Morris and the irrascible Bill Murray held us captive each and every Saturday Night.

Has anyone ever seen that Belushi video where he, costumed as a very old man, walks amongst the graves of the NRFPT Players? Spooky.