So I’m bored and throw in a pro wrestling dvd I have of a guy named Mick Foley, aka, Cactus Jack, aka Mankind.
He’s an ugly fatty with no rippling muscles or marble chin. He’s just tough. Now lots of guys take chair shots to the head and body slams to the floor, but in watching this match
just makes me feel that Mr. foley is indeed the physically toughest guy I’ve ever seen.
Now, I’m a big rasslin fan and read Foley’s book, and he wrote a bit about this matchup, and it seems that the first fall from the top of the cage, through the breakaway table, separated his left shoulder. but he climbed back up to the top of the cage to continue the match. Then once on top, the other guy (who had a broken foot at the time) threw him through the top of the cage onto the mat. Now the mat is bouncy for sure, but a 280 pound guy falling 10 or so feet and landing on his back is bad enough, especially with an already mucked up shoulder, but a chair that was on top on the cage also fell through and smashed him in the mouth, breaking loose a few teeth (you can see part of a tooth coming out of his nose-he states in the book that it came UP from inside and out his nostril…eek). The camera gets a close up once and he tries to stick his tongue through the split in his chin (the announcer says “He’s smiling!”)
So he’s lying there, after the second fall, legitimately unconscious as a bunch a guys check on him…but he comes to, and keeps going, oh, for about 15 more minutes (the youtube clip only shows four or so), including taking a few hard shots to the shoulder with the steel ring steps.
Then for show, he gets dumped on about a thousand thumbtacks.
That’s pretty damn tough in my book, not the tacks, but the willpower to keep going after taking that much abuse: fall from the top through a table, separated shoulder, second fall, knocked unconscious, smashed teeth, and lots of body slams.
The only guy I can think to match him toughwise is Lance somethingsomething, the guy who won the Tour De France a bunch of times, after having testicular cancer.
I watch UFC a bit, but still, toughness wise, it’s hard to find someone who beats Foley in this match. Although I did hear of one UFC guy who had his leg broken in a submission hold and didn’t tap out. His opponent TOLD the rep that he hear the bone break.
This is the whole match but it takes a while to load… … e_Cell.htm
Anyway, just curious as to whom you think is a physically tough SOB.