The TPP agreement on line

Don’t take my word for it.

Comrade Smith recently described himself as an “ideological whore”. I guess the Miniluv has given up on him, the poor lost lamb. :idunno:

You’re confusing cronyism with capitalism. They are opposite.

So you’re a Milkerian? If you think about it, this position can be reduced to American capitalism is not true capitalism, a parallel of Soviet (or whichever kind of) communism was not true communism. Or in this case, the treaty that certain American capitalist interests were supporting would not have been true capitalism, yet the political messiah emerged from the private sector just in time and saved the world, but then you still have certain so-called capitalists who need to be sent to re-education camp because they’re ideologically impure. Is that a fair assessment?

When governments interfere, they should understand and cooperate with the market to be effective. When they don’t, stuff happens that they never expected or planned for. But it’s best when government interference doesn’t favor one industry or company in an industry over another, just as it shouldn’t favor one class of customers over another, which is all distortions of the private market.

But there’s a market for influence… (I won’t finish this paragraph because we would just go around in circles.)