I, Bassman, used to be someone that hired teachers to work in Buxibans and kindergartens. I would like to tell you all what Truths I used to get people to take jobs and what realities I didn’t explain. These realities are why I am now really against teaching English in Kindergarten for foreign teachers on working visas. I always explained the truth and ever so lightly breezed over some of the realities. I always said that the job in the buxiban was legal but the kindy wasn’t. I always made sure that the teachers understood the facts, well, enough facts to still want to take the job. But now the realities seem so obvious to me and I feel terrible for placing people in situations that could have been disasterous.
The Truth:
Taipei is much more tough on foreigners working in kindergartens and you are far more likely to be caught there and punished for it than in Taichung county. Taichung authorities/police are likely to turn a blind eye.
The Reality:
The law still forbids foreign teachers from working in a kindergarten. The fact that you are less likely to be caught does not mean that you will not be caught. There are times when the authorities will not turn a blind eye and will take action.
The Truth:
The vast majority of kindies have foreign teachers. The authorities know about this. The market drives it.
The Reality:
The authorities will try to make an example of a few schools. Kill a chicken to scare the monkey. You could be that chicken. A couple of times a year the powers that be will make it known that they still have the power.
The Truth:
Our school always knows when there is going to be a raid well in advance and you will be moved out of harms way.
The Reality:
Our mole could get sick, go on holiday, or not be able to get to the phone to warn us.
The Truth:
Your legal residence address is the same as that of the kindy. You don’t work here, you live here. The buxiban owner also owns the kindy and he has you living on the site of his kindy, the same as he does too.
The Reality:
They don’t have to buy that. Little Jackie will introduce you as his teacher or you’ll get your picture taken while entertaining the kids in your ‘living room’.
The Truth:
There are so many grey areas in Taiwan. The Taiwanese don’t take the law seriously. It’s all one big grey area.
The Reality:
That doesn’t make it right. There’s always someone that can only see in black and white.
Oh, I forgot the one that really bugged me… not my choice but that of the owner…
The Truth:
Tax evasion in Taiwan is like a national past time. We will arrange things so you pay less tax. You will take home more money and any extra cash you make is all yours.
The Reality:
The owner is going to declare that you make at least NT$20,000 less a month than you do. He will also pay less for your health insurance. You will be the one that is not declaring all of your earnings. If you get caught you will take the fall. Everyone else is doing it will not hold water with the tax department. If you plan on staying a long time it may catch up with you.
Anyone want to add anything to the Truth - Reality list???