The US Does NOT Have "Free Market" Health Care

I’ll have to fill in the blanks tomorrow when I’m not so tipsy, but please DO NOT refer to US health care as being free market. Why you ask? Because the monopoly that is the AMA ( ) is fucking it up for everyone.

I remember TC saying that the amount of doctors that can be certified each year is limited. I was wondering how that was possible. Well I found out today and the reason is those AMA bitches.

If US health care was truly free market, it would be ROCKING the house.

Now I slumber!

[quote=“miltownkid”]If US health care was truly free market, it would be ROCKING the house.[/quote]I dunno about that, would it cut down the 15,000 that die each year because they can’t afford it. Would it still be ranked 37 by the WHO ? Way behind the UK at 18 and just ahead of Cuba, which is pretty dismal.

The # of Dr.s is limited as well as the number of med students each year. Factoring in the number of med students who drop-out of med school before they graduate this is designed to assure of market where demand exceeds availability.



I basically ran into some reasoning to support something I thought about a long time ago. The thought was: “Why do doctors need a license to practice?”

Everyone’s been basically brained washed (myself included) into believing that the licensing procedure protects us from frauds and keeps the quality at a “reasonable” level, when in reality the licensing is the reason 15,000 people die each year because they can’t afford it.

Keeping prices artificially high, thus making health care unaffordable, is only one of the drawbacks of licensing.

Oh, and I didn’t mean to call the AMA dudes bitches. That was the gin and tonic talking.

I basically ran into some reasoning to support something I thought about a long time ago. The thought was: “Why do doctors need a license to practice?”[/quote] Because some how, the love of playing “Operation” doesn’t make you aware enough to probe around a brain. :smiley:

What does that have to do with doctors needing licenses? I personally would not agree to be worked on by a doctor whose only talent comes from his/her love of the game Operation. Would you?

What does that have to do with doctors needing licenses? I personally would not agree to be worked on by a doctor whose only talent comes from his/her love of the game Operation. Would you?[/quote]

No. I would want a doctor that had a love for being in service to others. My question is what does doctors not being licensed have to do with lack of health care due to lack of funds. It seems like apple and oranges to me.