The Wall?

I don’t get out much…

I’m going to see “A Moving Sound” at The Wall tonight (Friday the 15th). I know its somewhere around Gonguan MRT but anybody know where it is exactly?

If anyones interested, they are a local band that was founded in New York and they play a variety of traditional Chinese instruments and also styles from elsewhere around Asia. They are really good. Really worth seeing as they usually have some sort of a stage show as well.

9 pm Special 5 year anniversary.[/i]

[quote=“canucktyuktuk”]I don’t get out much…

I’m going to see “A Moving Sound” at The Wall tonight (Friday the 15th). I know its somewhere around Gongguan MRT but anybody know where it is exactly?

If anyones interested, they are a local band that was founded in New York and they play a variety of traditional Chinese instruments and also styles from elsewhere around Asia. They are really good. Really worth seeing as they usually have some sort of a stage show as well.

9 pm Special 5 year anniversary.[/i][/quote]

corner of keelung and roosevelt (south-west corner)…next to a cinema…
There’s a map.
ADDRESS | B1F., No.200, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 116,Taiwan

I am going there on 6/29 to see their heavy metal show…