Was anyone there last night in that heavy metal show? man that was awesome! I thought it wasn’t gonna be all that… I mean maybe by Western standards it’s not all that but it seems good enough for me. First time in a metal show and I was scared to mosh at first, then I just kinda got in and got all my hair sweaty and stuff. I managed to mess up my hair band cause it fell off and I guess a bunch of people stepped on it…
I also learned that Dragon Force was here last month… why do I always learn of those things after the fact? any way I can find out who’s coming?
Great to hear you had a good time. The metal scene here is growing by leaps and bounds with each new show. Don’t be afraid to get in the pit and mix it up! There’s a couple of sites you can check out to find out who’s playing. The first is The Wall’s site, underworld-taipei.blogspot.com/. A band called 666 will play their on the 14th of July, definitely worth checking out.
At the end of July is the Formoz Festival, which will feature Bay Area thrash legends Testament on Friday the 27th, now with ex-Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir drummer Nic Barker. Opening for them will be another local black metal band, Athelion, fresh from recording their debut full-length album in Sweden. They’ll also debut their new album the week before at The Wall. And all weekend long metal bands from Taiwan and Korea will be playing the Rock stage at Formoz. Oathean from Korea are a kick-ass black metal band playing Saturday night, along with Sacrifice, also from Korea. Shoo will be back, you saw them on Friday, the female-fronted thrash outfit, and will play sunday the 29th. And my band, Revilement, will play Saturday the 28th as well at 8 p.m. at the Rock Stage. We’ll be bringing the old school death metal in the vein of Obituary, Six Feet Under, Cannibal Corpse, etc. Come check us out. If you’re ever looking for someone to head to shows with, just send me a PM, always good to meet new metal heads out here in Taiwan. Keep it metal!
I am planning to head to the Wall again on 8/9 because there are going to be 3 death metal bands there… I think I seen Crusher but not sure about the other one. I saw that Ramones is coming on 8/31 but I am not big on punk rock so…
I wish I knew when’s Dragon Force coming next because the friend I went with friday is crazy about them. I can’t go everyday because I really don’t have the time but I wish I did, moshing sure is fun I can’t imagine any rock/metal concert without it. The bruises on my arm don’t seem so fun though…
I only plan to do this every other month however because of funding issue and having to work out days off with my employer is not fun either since he’s not all that into metal… few people in Taiwan are it seems… sure beats going to stupid KTV though.
Unfortunately I think the show on 8/9 is cancelled. The guy who plays bass in my band also plays in one of those bands, Bazooka, who play old-school thrash, and he said it probably won’t go through due to the fact that the only date The Wall would give them was a Thursday–not the best night for a metal show. Check out those bands online though, Bazooka, and Hades, another black metal band, and Crusher. Crusher were the shirtless dudes playing Swedish Viking Metal on Friday, those guys are awesome. I’m hoping they get added to the Formoz bill but I think it’s pretty much full-up now.
Yeah I was there on Friday night, start to finish. If you see me at one of the shows come up and say hello. I’m usually one of the only foriegners there and I’m pretty easy to recognize, long hair and tattoos etc. I go to all the metal shows out here. It might not seem like a lot of people are into metal here, but the one’s who are into it are a pretty dedicated bunch and you get to see a lot of the same people at all the shows. For the couple of shows my band has played at The Wall we’ve had between 300 and 400 people out, which is pretty good for a death metal band I think. The people in the metal scene a great bunch of people to get to know, so I would encourage you to come out whenever you can. Hell, start a band of your own! It seems like more and more bands are popping up all the time.
Oh, and something to keep your eyes peeled for, there’s a possibility of Megadeth coming here sometime this year, but it is far from being confirmed, nothing more than a possibility at this point. Also the possibility of Arch Enemy coming, but again, nothing confirmed yet.
I’m not sure if Dragonforce will come back or not. They only had about 400 people out for the show, which isn’t very good for a band of their caliber and level of musicianship. The promotion for the show, or rather the lack thereof, was appalling. Angra, another power metal band, came here and drew well over 1,000 people at the same venue.
I think I said hi to you at about 11PM that evening! I was the guy with long hair wearing a tie dye shirt… Oh great… looks like I am gonna have to look for another date… any more events at the Wall or elsewhere of last friday’s scale happening anytime soon?
I have been looking to form a band but I could not find any band personnels… I wasn’t sure how to look since looking for metalheads in Taiwan is like looking for Waldo in one of those find Waldo books… plus my guitar playing is really bad, off time and all and stuck in pentatonic box and power chords. Only good things I can offer is that I can dress and crown frets for band members cause I build my own guitars… or perhaps work on amps if they broke as long as its not those dreaded computer crap…
I did like the guys I meet at the Wall, not sure if I’d see them again if I happen to pop up next time. However the few (1 or 2) metalheads I initially (as in before coming to the Wall) saw wasn’t so nice, one would not talk to me about metal at all, but instead gave me the “I am in a gang and you’re not” attitude, others were usually the guys working at guitar stores who seems uninterested in starting a friendship but just wants me to sell me an overpriced guitar.
Or how about we meet up at one of those dates? I am not too sure what’s the best days for metal though, fridays? I could use a little hands on guitar lesson…
Haha, sorry man, you did say hi to me. I definitely remember the shirt. You bear a striking resemblance to a buddy of mine and I accidentally called you by his name, only to realize after you took off that you weren’t him. Sorry about that. Had a few too many beers at the show I guess.
I’ll be going to Underworld on the 14th for 666, and probably to The Wall for Anthelion on the 21st. Both are Saturdays I believe. Neither will probably be on the same scale as Friday’s show. Cthonic is as big as it gets here right now, as they will play both Ozzfest in the U.S. and Wacken Open Air in Europe this summer. But the Anthelion show has potential. Let me know if you’re planning on heading to either.
[quote=“MetalHead”]Haha, sorry man, you did say hi to me. I definitely remember the shirt. You bear a striking resemblance to a buddy of mine and I accidentally called you by his name, only to realize after you took off that you weren’t him. Sorry about that. Had a few too many beers at the show I guess.
I’ll be going to Underworld on the 14th for 666, and probably to The Wall for Anthelion on the 21st. Both are Saturdays I believe. Neither will probably be on the same scale as Friday’s show. Cthonic is as big as it gets here right now, as they will play both Ozzfest in the U.S. and Wacken Open Air in Europe this summer. But the Anthelion show has potential. Let me know if you’re planning on heading to either.[/quote]
Well… I will see about that… (a few things I gotta work out with the bosses) but chances are I won’t be able to go to shows this month because I don’t make a whole lot… was planning on going to shows in Aug. Perhaps I can make some arrangements to move my holidays to Saturdays on those days that I want to go, might go for the Anthelion however because the 666 show on the 14th is too short of a notice…
What’s your real name by the way? My real name is Tai Fu
So how long are you going to be in Taiwan? I take it you just got here right? Looks like we are going to need to dry up that ink on your passport… You here for teaching or just tourists?
Nah man I’ve been here for two years now. I work for a publishing company here as an editor, writer, radio broadcaster and occasional actor, though I’m a terrible actor at best. Gonna be here for a while yet, I wanna keep the band going and see what, if anything we can accomplish out here. If you’re into death metal/grindcore at all check us out, www.myspace.com/revilement.
Great, what radio station do you broadcast from? Ever get a chance to sneak some of your materials on air or is the NCC not cool with that? You can check out my websites on my signature, it contains some of my projects that I have been working on, as well as some personal stuff… if any. Right now I am stuck in Taiwan anyways so might as well make the best of it… Right now I am still finishing my college degree on the University of Phoenix online because I can’t get into any decent university here due to my lack of chinese writing skill, and hopefully I can start working for a computer company who doesn’t care about hair length. But if you need a guitar tech I will see what I can do… right now I can dress/crown frets but I can’t refret for now (don’t have the expensive Stewmac tools required for that)
I just looked at the schedule for Formoz I don’t think I can show up for that cause the ticket prices are too expensive… I might try and meet you at the underground on the 14th cause 300 is reasonable for me… but I’d need to work a few things out with the bosses…
Just read on Blabbermouth.com, Dragonforce’s guitarist Herman Li will actually be back in Taiwan to do a couple of guitar clinics, so might want to pass that on to your friend. Don’t know the venues yet, but the scheduled dates are July 21 in Taipei and July 22 in Tainan.
Just read on Blabbermouth.com, Dragonforce’s guitarist Herman Li will actually be back in Taiwan to do a couple of guitar clinics, so might want to pass that on to your friend. Don’t know the venues yet, but the scheduled dates are July 21 in Taipei and July 22 in Tainan.[/quote]
Yea, I’ll see about that, I think I am going to stay away from large music festivals however because ticket prices tends to be expensive (2K and over) and concentrate on small venues where ticket prices rarely exceed 600. Im sure you’d understand though since I only make about 20K a month on average and gotta pay rent and a whole lot of other stuff. Plus It’d be pretty hard to get 3 days off from my boss on a short notice so maybe I’d do this next year. If I had only known about this I could have gotten tickets in advance. Plus I am getting ready to purchase an amp from www.ceriatone.com and its gonna set me back about 25,000 NT. It’s tough to get a decent amps in Taiwan… It’s gonna be a Marshall 1987 Plexi 50 lead clone, I bet similar amp in Taiwan would cost over 100K new.
In that case I’ll see you on the 14th at the underground…
I’m not sure how they sing death metal too, I mean most people wouldn’t be able to sing more than 30 seconds if they were really growling. I wonder if there was some kind of trick to it or you just have to practice and hope you got lots of cough drop nearby?
What do you mean? Taiwan was never in the UN because red China puts a lot of pressure on the UN to not accept Taiwan. I don’t think even Ozzy can deal with that…
You are right dude, but now it’s Ozzy to the rescue with some help from one of Taiwan’s premier Heavy Metal bands.
Ozzy Osbourne to help Taiwan in U.N. membership quest
TAIPEI (Reuters) Ozzy Osbourne, a satanic-theme rocker known for biting heads off bats on stage, is helping set up 20 of the U.S. gigs, paying some transport costs and letting the Taiwan band (ChthoniC) promote U.N. membership as it wishes http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070704/en_nm/taiwan_ozzy_dc_1
Hey I listened to Testament on Chronix Metal radio (http://www.chronixradio.com/) and they really sound like Metallica. It made me wish I could be there for the 7/27 concert but then again I am kinda booked and really can’t afford the ticket… I am getting a Marshall Plexi50…