Some of you girls out there wish you had larger boobs. We know this, we’ve dated somewhere around 84 of you. Some of you also like to drink booze, even places you aren’t supposed to. We’ve dated you, too. If you’re a little of column A and a little of column B, we have the Winerack.
It’s a black bra with sewn-in bladders for wine, beer, vodka, Jager, you name it, featuring a handy drinking tube. No, this is not a joke. Yes, we fully expect people we know well to use it. No, we won’t feel dirty sucking hooch out of their hooters, we’ll feel grateful, as we should.
No pricing yet, and the release date is still aways out, but if this thing hits this summer, then we think we’ll buy those tickets to that giant festival with the crappy headliners we were ignoring. But if you can’t wait, the Thrillist is helping look for beta testers (no, really). Check the link for details, and happy booby bootlegging.[/quote]
crunchgear.com/2007/03/07/winera … ng-genius/
I guess the five gallon jockstrap was out of the question.