There is a ghost in your PC!

To expose it click here:


Which doesn’t work in Mozilla because it treats a .jpg file as a .jpg, instead of a potentially virus-laden script, Thanks for proving I was right to stop using IE

PS. that link is a good giggle though :smiling_imp:

I don’t get it, but then my brain has been softened by all the TV and too much Internet porn.
Please explain it for all the stupid people!

What bit don’t you get ? Or doesn’t your computer have a ?

That’s all I saw.

You shall not see but feel or hear the ghost coming out …

Nothing more shall be said as not to spoil the fun for the others. :wink:

Sandman: It also . Obviously doesn’t seem to work on yours

edited after seeing rascals post and not wanting to ruin it

my guess is Sandman doesn’t HAVE a cd drive … :smiley:

Well, I for one, have 1 DVD and 1 CDR drive, but nothing happens.
What’s the point??

That’s the secret. Perhaps the ghost doesn’t show to everybody. :wink:

Maybe it only works with some browsers … will post the answer tomorrow.

I have clicked the d…## link 5 times now, and only get the stupid picture. I even tried to click the picture…Nothing, absolutly nothing…
Again, what’s the point?

It should be enough to click once on the link. Nothing else you need to do.

I started with clicking once, and waited and waited - nothing. After that I tried other approaches like clicking the graphics, and - nothing…

I use IE 6.0, but have added Zone Alarm to keep out unwanted elements. Hope this helps in your debugging.

But, let me guess; The CD drive tray start to go in and out??

OK, now I get it. Doesn’t work too well if your computer is stuck way under your desk where you can’t see it, but yes, my cup-holder did indeed come out.

As Sandman is perhaps alluding to, there was a similar one a few years ago that said ‘click hear to install your new drinks holder’.

And then there’s this beauty:

What’s wrong with this picture?
(hint: if you look long enough and hard enough you will spot something, and turn up your speakers - there’s a faint audible clue)


[quote=“Sir Donald Bradman”]As Sandman is perhaps alluding to, there was a similar one a few years ago that said ‘click hear to install your new drinks holder’.

And then there’s this beauty:

What’s wrong with this picture?
(hint: if you look long enough and hard enough you will spot something, and turn up your speakers - there’s a faint audible clue)


Well, uhhm, this one worked. :shock:
I would like to add that you need to examine the picture pretty close for some time (yes, even closer to the monitor please), and really turn up those speakers to find the clue. :laughing:

Good luck!!