They Don't Know It's Taiwan, But We Do - NSFW!


Another moron runs a red light.

When I lived in Rhode Island there was often an accident at the intersection leading into the apartment complex where I lived. They were mostly high speed crashes because some moron would accelerate to run the red. Is saving a minute really worth the cost of potentially injuring or killing someone?

Why NSFW? I don’t get it. It’s a spectacular crash, but nothing gory and no nudity.

That’s why I’m always on the lookout for red-light runners when I approach an intersection. I always slow down when entering an intersection because I assume that other drivers are crazy.

Love the way the cop just dawdles over.

Pretty normal in Taiwan. Drunk guy coming home after a night out on the piss runs the red light and totals some poor schmuck on a scooter.

Scooter rider should have seen him though and assumed he wasn’t going to stop. Probably drunk too.

Ho hum.

And of course the driver is on his cell phone right away, wailing away about the damage to his car.
Complete disregard for the flapping human on the pavement. Who, despite a severe problem with processing peripheral vision, is still (one hopes) a sentient being with probably quite a few internal injuries/trauma.
See him step over it like its a gutted sea mammal fresh plucked from the ocean.

[quote=“TheGingerMan”]And of course the driver is on his cell phone right away, wailing away about the damage to his car.
Complete disregard for the flapping human on the pavement. Who, despite a severe problem with processing peripheral vision, is still (one hopes) a sentient being with probably quite a few internal injuries/trauma.
See him step over it like its a gutted sea mammal fresh plucked from the ocean.[/quote]

Though not before pulling on his helmet, perhaps making his injuries much worse. And then, later, his arm.

Well it probably was for me, since I was saying “GDamm!!!” very loud. Not something one would want to say at work. :blush: At least not loud. :laughing:

My question is, why is there a video camera there? And whose’s is it.


My question is, why is there a video camera there? And whose’s is it.[/quote]Notice that the camera is perfectly steady throughout the whole incident? The camera is on a tripod. Who leaves a video camera running on an intersection in the middle of nowhere, trained on a traffic light? Notice that the cop passes the camera not very long after the impact?
I think it’s a red-light trap set up with video for evidence, and the cop was standing right there watching the whole thing go down.

It did look to me like the driver was pointing around the area as people do when they are describing their location on the phone. He could have been calling an ambulance rather than his insurance company. It would be interesting to see his phone records. If I were the judge hearing this case, that alone would be enough for me to decide between life imprisonment and the death penalty.

Chris is right,always slow down before crossing a junction.

[quote=“Lord Lucan”]Love the way the cop just dawdles over.


you can hear him calling in ambulance right away though.

Funny after looking at this, one can peek at Heidi Klum in all her glory. Go from gory to glory. :smiley:

[quote=“TheGingerMan”]And of course the driver is on his cell phone right away, wailing away about the damage to his car.
Complete disregard for the flapping human on the pavement. Who, despite a severe problem with processing peripheral vision, is still (one hopes) a sentient being with probably quite a few internal injuries/trauma.
See him step over it like its a gutted sea mammal fresh plucked from the ocean.[/quote]

Superb description!


Just being careful… the boffins that watch the servers can be picky.

The video is definitely from a traffic cop

Don’t think the car driver is drunk, if anyone were drunk, I’d say it was the scooter driver. He seemed to drive straight into the car without making any effort to avert his scooter or brake. The screeches are from the car’s brakes after the scooter slammed into its side.

I think the reason the driver ran the light was because he was talking on his cellphone. That’s why he was still talking on it when he stepped out, but he hung up shortly after the cop skipped over.

I made an interesting observation of myself watching this video. I saw it once and started to write a clever comment along the lines “the driver was talking on the phone when getting out of the car, the cop was walking slowly to the car, doing nothing etc.” After watching the clip again, I have to admit that my first observation was quite wrong, the driver got out of the car, went to the back of the vehicle, THEN reached for his phone inside the car and went to the rider who was hit. The cop didn’t actually run, but he did walk quickly and called for help.

Why am I telling you this? Well, it just made me wonder how correct eyewitness reports really are. In court, when asked, “What did the driver do, when leaving the car?”, I probably would have said, “He was talking on the phone.” “What did the cop do?” “He walked slowly to the car.” Both statements would have been incorrect.

Now, if this has happened weeks or month ago, how accurate can your eyewitness report really be?

Good luck in court, fellas! Drive slowly and sober! :sunglasses:

[quote=“lupillus”]The video is definitely from a traffic cop

Don’t think the car driver is drunk, if anyone were drunk, I’d say it was the scooter driver. He seemed to drive straight into the car without making any effort to avert his scooter or brake. The screeches are from the car’s brakes after the scooter slammed into its side.

I think the reason the driver ran the light was because he was talking on his cellphone. That’s why he was still talking on it when he stepped out, but he hung up shortly after the cop skipped over.[/quote]

Yes, definitely. The light was red long before he approached. He wasn’t making an effort to speed through at the last minute. He wasn’t drunk. He was just completely oblivious to his surroundings because he was busy talking on the phone.

No, he went back for his cigs. :laughing:

That poor guy (the victim of course). I was surprised to see so much movement from him. What kind of injuries do you think he sustained? Broken arm, broken leg, broken ribs, concussion, severe lacerations, major black eyes, possible internal bleeding, hospitalized for a few days and in pain for a month? Something like that?

One should definitely drive, ride, walk defensively, especially in Taiwan.

Why am I telling you this? Well, it just made me wonder how correct eyewitness reports really are. In court, when asked, “What did the driver do, when leaving the car?”, I probably would have said, “He was talking on the phone.” “What did the cop do?” “He walked slowly to the car.” Both statements would have been incorrect.
Now, if this has happened weeks or month ago, how accurate can your eyewitness report really be?
Good luck in court, fellas! Drive slowly and sober! :sunglasses:[/quote]

I was hit by a car few years ago because an old guy run a red light. The violator insisted that he didn’t run the red light and threatened me even though I was still hospitalized. I was lucky that few eyewitnesses testified for me right after the accident happened and the police took their statements. I sued the violator so I know how usually eyewitness reports work in court.

To deal with the false memory problem, the judge or the prosecutor usually relies on the statements taken by the police from eyewitnesses right after car accident happen. They usually cross-refer different eyewitness statements sent by the police to determine to the cause-and-effect of the case and seldom summon eyewintnesses to court.

To have eyewitness testifying for you is really much much better than to have no eyewitness at all.

Sometimes severe car accidents happen and the victims are incapable of testifying for themselves. Those cases become worse because no one witnesses what happen or, I should say frankly, no one is willing to testify for it. Those cases usually turn into chronic battles in court and become grave afflictions to the victims’ families.

Here’s another one. Seems there are still people who think speeding and going through red lights is not stupid:

Ouch. That’s going to leave a mark. It looks to me like the bike is somersaulting and further pounding on the rider as he slides down the road.