How about a sticky for any restaurants, shops, or service providers who relocate or go the way of the Do-do?
Maybe it could be called something like…Whatever happened to…?
Just a thought…:loco:
Shops like the Tienmu store have been around for a good while, and it would be nice to know if they are still around in a new location or altogether gone.
Anyone know what happened to the Tienmu shop?
I have a friend who is dire need of a few Butterfingers!!!
Whatever happened to the KitKat bar? They’re MIA in all the convenience stores. I’ve only been able to find them packaged with the new improved Milo choco bar at a small local supermarket whose stock is disappearing. :help:
Mykonoe, one of the best restaurants in Taiwan, is closing (if it hasn’t already closed by now). They said they plan to reopen elsewhere early next year, but who knows.
What I want to know is what happened to the ‘creme caramel’ puddings you used to be able to get in Wellcome ( and other supermarkets )… the kind where you get a separate small carton / portion of caramel sauce and you can pour it over… yum !