Things the next generation won't recognize

Affordable housing.
A pension.


Is it too optimistic to think they’ll be shocked that people used to let airlines get away with overbooking?

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Is TV guide or yellow pages still around?

Wikipedia says TV Guide still exists. Then there’s this:

The latest article “Why print Yellow Pages STILL work…” is from 2015. :idunno:

Oh yes!

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Don’t know why they’re hyping ‘Supernatural.’ The average age of TV Guide’s readership is pushing 70 at the least.

TV Guide is the magazine you’d find on your grandmother’s coffee table next to her weekly pill organizer.


Notice the thread name…?

Of course. But I can’t miss an opportunity to rip on TV Guide.

It is a collectible!

ROC - Republic of China…
Probably will be known as the province of Taiwan!

China’s new English style guide says not to call it a province, out of concern for the tender feelings of its inhabitants. It’s a “region.”

The current (Chinese speaking/reading) generation likely not knowing how to write Chinese characters (properly) without using computers.

While, the current (non-Chinese speaking/reading) generation likely can’t do/read cursive handwriting, because with computer everything is block-printed.

And who do you think watches Supernatural??

People who love bad TV shows that should’ve ended a decade ago?

We agree to disagree.

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Ow! Jeez!

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Hahaha, that VHS tape rewinder brought back memories! It was a big convenience and helped increase the life expectancy of your VCR’s heads/motor because rewinding in the VCR does a lot a wear and tear.

The flob.