Radio waves.
Please continue… and discuss… so it doesn’t become a game.
Radio waves.
Please continue… and discuss… so it doesn’t become a game.
Electricity, gravity.
But we can see the effects. Is that cheating?
a million bucks. where’s mine?
or for the corny: lurv.
My ribs.
good point, B-cup
and without a mirror, i’d have to add ‘the back of my head’.
In no particular order:
OK, so these are all things that are verifiable in other ways, such as their effects, or having someone else look at the back of your head and assure you that you have one, or using a tool like a microscope or an oscilloscope.
maybe tom is hinting at THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. this is a radical suggestion, the kind i have come ot expect from tom hill. where is tom hill, anyway? is it near notting hill?
[quote=“urodacus”]OK, so these are all things that are verifiable in other ways, such as their effects, or having someone else look at the back of your head and assure you that you have one, or using a tool like a microscope or an oscilloscope.
maybe tom is hinting at THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. this is a radical suggestion, the kind i have come ot expect from tom hill. where is tom hill, anyway? is it near notting hill?[/quote]
Emotions can’t be seen or measured can they?
God, auras, tree energy. I’m hinting at all those things.
Tom Hill is sometimes in Stroud, and sometimes in Hounslow. It’s a moveable feast.
[quote=“urodacus”]maybe tom is hinting at THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. this is a radical suggestion, the kind i have come ot
expect from tom hill. [/quote]
Not in his own examples though - sound, radio waves and energy can all be measured. Dreams I dunno, though perhaps it’s possible to monitor the brain activity and see differences between thinking while being awake and dreaming. I think this may also apply to emotions.
But how could anyone claim knowledge of god’s existence if you can’t see or measure “it”, not even indirectly?
i can’t see ghosts, and i don’t believe they exist, but i don’t know that they don’t.
same for auras, in the barbara brennan sense of the word, not the Kurlian. i was fascinated by the concept for years, and tried everything i could to visualise them myself. hippy friends had aura-seeing sessions, i read all i could find, even got into researching hindu and tibetan and early christian experiences and eventually i realised the missing ingredient: i did not have faith. the missing ingredient was the blind belief in something that i could never see (as it did not exist) until the belief allowed me to ‘see’ it.
once i made that connection, i never bothered looking again.
now, tree energy and Kurlian auras do exist, but are not easily visualised except through some film photography tricks. all animals and plants have an extremely weak electrical field around them, it is just that humans cannot see this, in the same way you can’t see radio waves. if you could see TV without a TV set, then i guess we could see auras too.
Most girls’ breasts.
The Cantor set
My penis
I would not with 100% possitivity claim the existance of anything.
People laughing at my funny posts
People nodding in aggreement with my intelligent posts
People falling in love with me at past HHs
There’s your laugh of the day…
The point of this thread.
Still snippy! Good for you.
This thread is to aid a class discussion my little violent cases are having at school.
Still snippy! Good for you.
This thread is to aid a class discussion my little violent cases are having at school.[/quote]
No, really. I’m trying to sew a patch on my jeans.