I hear your disgust.
Since the collapse of the e-dot hype, the only dotcoms besides ‘ebay’ doing well & making money are sex-related sites. With this trend increasing in numbers. Check out the below survey of our region.
Now, this extremism of advocating ‘rape’ is crossing the line, and like you say should be prevented–but that is going into the area of ‘freedom of speech’? Not sure how to shut them down in the practical sensel, seeing the prevalence of such ‘extreme’ materials on the net–especially since this is a ‘mega bucks’ industry. And especially now that Asia is getting wired & hooked to them.
What is the law in Taiwan, regarding ‘indescent material’ being promoted on the internet? Care for anyone to comment. Thanks.
From Taipei Times–March 10, 2002
Pornographic Web sites become big draw in the region
More Asians are flocking to pornographic Web sites, with South Koreans posting the biggest rise among the four regional economies polled in a survey released yesterday.
All four markets surveyed – South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore – posted double-digit growth rates in the number of visitors to porn sites, research firm NetValue said.
The number of South Koreans visiting porn sites in March grew 72 percent to 10.73 million from 6.23 million a year ago, NetValue said.
In second place was Hong Kong, which saw a 43 percent rise to 715,700 visitors from 501,600.
Taiwan saw the third biggest increment of 30 percent as 2.54 million visitors went to porn sites in March, compared with 1.96 million 12 months ago.
Singapore saw the smallest rise of 29 percent with 373,100 visitors, versus 288,800 last year.[/url]