Hope you sort it out. Are you air conditioned? Could be a heat rash. Could also be a weird allergic reaction to something. Dirty shellfish can give you a fever and hives (red, itchy bumps on your skin).
[quote]The disease can last 1-5 days. Children recover more quickly than adults. Like most viruses living along the respiratory tract, it is passed from person to person by tiny droplets in the air that are breathed out. Rubella can pose a serious risk as it can also be transmitted from a mother to her developing baby through the bloodstream via the placenta. If the mother is infected within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, the child may be born with congenital rubella syndrome, which includes a range of birth defects. The virus has an incubation period of 2 to 3 weeks during which it becomes established.
Rubella epidemic in the US in 1964-1965 led to “more than 11,600 babies born deaf, 11,250 fetal deaths, 2,100 neonatal deaths, 3,580 babies born blind and 1,800 babies born mentally retarded” and refocused special education research and agenda.[1][/quote]
Very good idea. I caught Rubella in my first trimester of pregnancy and from then on it was considered high risk. My OB, after consultation with a specialist actually recommended terminating the pregnancy. I didn’t, and in the end, all was well but it was very scary. I appreciate the fact that you are so willing to do this! Many people simply don’t understand the risks to others.
I’d also suggest telling the doctor you have had recent contact with two pregnant women. They should also go and see the quack. You can be infectious before the symptoms appear.
Health authorities confirm a second case of measles taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/ … 2003365180[/quote]
Was just going to post that. You’re in the hospitality industry in the Philippines, right? Do you get many tourists from Japan coming through?
measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, etc: you CAN catch them again many years later, even if immunised or diseased (?) as a child. Often the consequences are worse, but for chicken pox and measles it is normally mild. Mumps sterility is also an overblown fear, BTW. Rubella OTOH, can be fatal to foetuses or cause birth defects.
The immunity depends on the presence in your blood stream of memory B and T cells. These only have a limited life span, so if they all die before you are re-exposed to the disease from exposure to infected people in the community (when they would normally be topped up by new memory cells being made), then you are liable to catch it again. This is becoming more typical now that the amount of these viruses and bacteria in the population as a whole is falling due to effective vaccination programs.
that’s unreal.we had a group of 20 who just checked out yesterday,i didn’t mingle with them much since they had all their lunches and dinners at cheaper places
You should definitely tell that to your doc. One of the cases here in Taiwan was mis- or un-diagnosed 8 times. It wasn’t until the woman told the doc she’d been to Japan that the penny dropped and he tested her for measles.
Hang on, why is catching plain old measles newsworthy? Rubella is an issue because of the impact to babies, and yes, measles can cause complications, but it’s pretty ordinary as far as diseases go.
that’s what i thought
if the illness came from the horrible long noses,or from the primitive mainland,i would understand
but for anyone in taiwan to slag off that great country japan is…