I’m still in a state of shock. I just watched an episode of Thunderbirds-yeah, the puppets- on Star World. The show was on from 7:30 to 8:00 AM. I have no idea if this will be a regular thing on Star, but I’ll certainly tune in again next Sunday.
Anyway, just wanted to pass the word along. I’m sure I’m not the only person here who thinks this show was the all-time greatest kids program to ever grace the airwaves. Happy viewing.
[quote=“beteljuice”]I’m still in a state of shock. I just watched an episode of Thunderbirds-yeah, the puppets- on Star World. The show was on from 7:30 to 8:00 AM. [/quote]That’s clever for a show that lasts 50 minutes per episode (without adverts of course), I know because I have the compete DVD box set
Captain Scarlet is better anyway.
My mistake. I tuned in at about 7:35. Just thought it was thirty minutes per episode. You have to realize I haven’t seen the show in about thirty years.
Ok then, I was worried then that they were going to show a edited version. They did that with Fawlty Towers
Some episodes did drag a bit, they could have been edited better… that’s why I preferred Captain Scarlet, they were shorter and tigher.
But pretty amazing for a 60’s old kids show…
You and probably about 10 other people can get Star. Consider yourself doubly lucky.
It’s on Channel 104 on my cable…don’t ask me what my cable company is…
You’ll be able to see the Tracy boys on the big screen next summer. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.
I get Star. It was on 87 or thereabouts. Then it vanished. I accidentally found it later on 103.
Those who think they don’t have it, may just get lucky by having a closer look.
Most of the programming is complete toss of course, buffy etc, but still nice to have when they broadcast decent sitcoms.
To be honest, I have only seen like two episodes and I have to say that it must have been better for you guys when you were kids and when technology was puny. A bunch of clumsy marrionettes? Whatever you say.
103? I’d have to check, but I think mine’s on 104. I could be wrong since I watch TV too infrequently to really note specific details. I watch it mostly for Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Drew Carey Show. Technically, Cleveland sucks, but it’s as close as I’ll get to my hometown until they start airing WKRP in Cincinnati…
[color=blue]Baby, if you’ve ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me,
I’m living on the air in Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, WKRP.
Got kind of tired packing and unpacking,
Town to town and up and down the dial
Maybe you and me were never meant to be,
But baby think of me once in awhile.
I’m at WKRP in Cincinnati…[/color]