I love the British!
Anyone interested in opening a chapter here in Taiwan?
I love the “Shop for tits” tab
Bet you, there might already be a chapter here
Ahh. I was once a keen birdwatcher so your post brings back fond memories from my early teenage years. I used to cycle miles and miles for a shag. Spotting a white-crested shag was indeed worth a long ride. Nowadays, I’m still looking for shags, but with a far lower success rate. Although Taiwan boasts a large number of bird species it is not too good a place if you are a tit man.
I too used to sneak around my neighbours’ gardens as a young lad, always hoping for a glimpse of some tits.
I remember we used to have to have a wire cage at the front door into which the milkman would put the milk, otherwise the tits would come down and peck open the foil tops to get the cream.
I saw a whole bunch of crested tits once up at Lalashan. They were pretty excited, so all their crests were fully erect. It was quite a sight.
Although Taiwan boasts a large number of bird species it is not too good a place if you are a tit man.
It’s largely a case of tit for twat.
You can spot tits better during the summer than in the winter when they are hidden from the cold air.
I love the little banner they put up for Amazon:
"Our Tits need support! If you feel as passionate about Tits as we do, please shop at Amazon by clicking on one of these much discounted best-sellers below… " or the greeting card that has “Nice tits” written between a pair of tits. I envision a market of too tight tee shirts sporting this logo.
I suppose the only proper thing to eat at a tits-watching party is spotted dick.
“Not only can you watch tits, but we have spotted dick for your pleasure too!”
Academia Sinica offers Tit Sports in Taiwan.
I searched in vain for a picture of Finbarr Saunders so you’ll just have to imagine in your mind’s eye Mr. Gimlet taking out his nuts in the garden in order to get a look at Finbar’s mum’s tits.
Fnaar! Fnaar!
If there are two tits sitting in a tree, would you say “that is a beautiful flock of tits” or would you say “that is a beautiful pair of tits”?
A great pair of tits would be appropriate. If they are active you could call them a perky pair of tits. I wonder if the proper group term for tits is a “rack”.
So if there’s a group for watching tits how about one looking for boobies? No one ever seems interested in watching blue-footed boobies. And there’s no lobby for ass enthusiasts either.
Personally, I’d find it interesting if there were an organization dedicated to photgraphing tits and asses in their natural environment.
[quote=“ImaniOU”]And there’s no lobby for ass enthusiasts either.
I beg to differ:
I’m not much into birdwatching or porno, though I did once see two bushtits on a lark.
What would we call it ? How about the “Tit Watching Association (Taiwan)” ? Not sure about the acronym though…
If it’s any consolation, tits and asses enthusiasts would be forming the Photographing Tits and Asses in Nature Group or P-TANG.