TLI term dates for 2008


Does anyone by any chance know what the term dates (for Mandarin Classes) at TLI are for 2008 (Roosevelt Rd branch in Taipei)?

I’m particularly interested in the dates for the term which starts immediately after Chinese New Year.

I did try contacting TLI by email, but they sent me a rather abrupt reply telling me to “look at the website in mid-October”.

The thing is I need to know sooner than that, as I’m booking tickets for a long trip in Asia starting in early November, part of which involves going to TLI for a term, and without knowing when I need to arrive and depart Taipei, I can’t book any of the trip (well, I could but it becomes complicated and much more expensive).

Alternatively, if anyone is currently studying at TLI and could ask at reception what the dates are likely to be, I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks for any help!
