Toast needs to be toasted people!

Wow… we actually agree on something :smiley:

On the other hand, the stuff they call toast/bread/(insert similar related word) here just isn’t bread. But I guess that’s a topic for another discussion…

For me toast is ironed bread :whistle:

So round your house you put shirts in the toaster and bread on the ironing board?

You is real crazy there, fella!

It must be cut diagonally.

I’ve got nothing against toast itself, but I agree it’s gotta be slathered with butter. And marmalade on top of that wouldn’t hurt at all. Strangely enough, though, my wife (born in this culture of soybeans instead of dairy products) never puts butter on her toast. :loco:

Mine’s the same. And she tells me that my whole body reeks of butter because I eat so much of it.

Perhaps I should trespass on Buttercup’s identity and rename myself Omnibutterous or something like it.

As much as I love hot buttered toast: it hardly ever is hot is it?

At B&Bs in England they always bring the toast out at the same time or even before the actual cooked breakfast part. And you have to leave it sitting there in the toast rack while you eat your sausages and it gets cold.

Errr… I think that’s the point. Toast=bread mixups. I think we should eliminate the word bread and just call it “pretoast”.

It all makes sense now. Buttercup is English. She (no doubt) hates toast because she doesn’t know how to eat it. She’s probably been “cookin’” her toast, setting it in her rack, and then eating it half an hour later when her sausages are well burnt.

Listen up, people. Some foods must be eaten hot. Popcorn, french fries; above all, toast!

As Vice President of Taipei’s Toastmasters Association, I’ve heard a few speeches and done a fair bit of primary research on the TOOT factor of toast. I could show those of you that are interested (I’m sure there are many) the bar graphs and toast charts demonstrating the clear correlation between TOOT (Time Out of Toaster) and Toothsomeness.*

*(Toothsomeness is inversely proportional to TOOT squared.)

For the laypeople out there, this means you, ideally, catch the toast with your teeth as it pops out of your toaster.

Yes, that’s not a bad idea. It seems to work for the Taiwanese. :laughing:

Hear hear. :bravo:

Regrettably, though, what you failed to mention is the “OMG it burns” factor associated with the fact that the heat of the toast is directly correlational to the period of time in which it is necessary to make physical contact with it, as shown below:

You melt the butter first, nice and hot, and optionally preheat your plate. When the toast (from freshly baked homemade bread) comes out of the toaster, you slather it with hot butter, put it on a hot plate, and eat it HOT. Absolutely delicious. Good bread is a prerequisite for good toast, though.

And hot dog needs to be a sausage IN A ROLL. NOt just a naked little sausage on a stick.

My wife use it to iron clothes, i use it on bread. Multi functional tool

You’re supposed to slide it under your eggs.

Um, no, not as such, zender, not as such.

What would I want to put it down there for?

Heck! Toast needs to be toasted, people! I’ve been saying that for years. I would like those people who tried to serve me bread to be toasted people but I would not want to eat them. Use commas guys.

Or perhaps just say, ‘Toast is toasted bread’.

Why would anyone need to toast toast?