Tom Hill's Movie Quote Game Revisited

Name the movie the quote is taken from. Correct answer gets the next quote:

“Oh, she’ll eat blubber once I free willy.”

Me, Myself and Irene. I googled.

“A tall man with a moustache, about 6ft 3”
“That’s an awfully big moustache…”

I never said you couldn’t cheat.


“A tall man with a moustache, about 6ft 3”
“That’s an awfully big moustache…”[/quote]

“The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear”

You guys love comedy! :slight_smile:

NEXT: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

The Usual Suspects. (I really did know that one).

“Men are such cocksuckers, aren’t they?”

Hint: There’s a clue in this post.

Witches of Eastwick.

By the Usual Suspects you mean Jack Nicolson, right?

“Go sell crazy some place else, we’re all stoked up here.”

Hint: There is a clue in this post.

[quote=“Fox”]Witches of Eastwick.
By the Usual Suspects you mean Jack Nicoloson, right?
“Go sell crazy some place else, we’re all stoked up here.”
Hint: There is a clue in this post.[/quote]

“As Good as It Gets”, The clue is Jack Nicholson, right?

Next: “I’m not getting upset, Nurse Pilbow. I just don’t want anyone to slip me salt peter!”

I think you don’t need a clue for it. :slight_smile:

“Heeeeere’s Johnny!”

There’s a clue that I know the answer to Kate’s one.

The Shining.

“I gotta get back to the head office.”
clue: Hosted SNL about a dozen times.

Oooops! It’s not from The Shining. The clue is “Nurse Pilbow.”

Sandman’s is.

And Jack Nicholson won two Oscars because he played psycho.

I see, sorry, I missed sandman’s clue. My quote is from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

That was my clue – Jack Nicholson saying “Heeere’s Johnny” in the Shining was the clue that I knew the answer to Kate’s McMurphy quote. It’s complicated, see?

Oh oh can I play?

"Sit your five-dollar ass down before I make change. "

[quote=“jdsmith”]“I gotta get back to the head office.”
clue: Hosted SNL about a dozen times.[/quote]

John Goodman? This one is difficult to figure out.

[quote=“kate.lin”][quote=“jdsmith”]“I gotta get back to the head office.”
clue: Hosted SNL about a dozen times.[/quote]

John Goodman? This one is difficult to figure out.[/quote]
Yes. Now what’s the movie?

[quote=“Namahottie”]Oh oh can I play?
"Sit your five-dollar ass down before I make change. "[/quote]

I cheated it this time. I had to goole it. :blush:
New Jack City?