So i have an android by huawei with metropcs. It has a feature (common to android) where you can draw a pattern and unlock the fone. Well guess what? My fone was in my shirt pocket and I somehow touched one of the two middle buttons that allow pattern drawing. Well as I was walking I was apparently drawing patterns that werent correct (understandable as my man tits dont know how to draw). So then what? The fricking fone says too many draw attempts, sign in with google. Well great, I dont remember the fricking google account I used on the fone in the initiation phase. It was one of two google accounts I have. But iv since changed passwords on both so again that is apparently a no no.
Well google’s android system designers thought that with you simply typing in your google id and password you can unlock the system. Well its apparently a known fault that it doesnt work very well. Frequently refusing to recognize your correct google account and password.
So i got on google and looked and looked. Someone said try typing in your id and then typing NULL as the password. Apparently worked for some. Didnt work for me.
Then some other hojoe had some sort of code you can download to give you complete control of the fone. But not being geeky enough I was sure to really frick it up so i passed on that one.
Oh and by the way the various buttons to push to put the fone into a reset mode was also apparently model and/or manufacturer specific. So i could find nobody that knew what to do with my fone model and carrier.
Until one guy on youtube had the same problem with his same fone and metropcs. So i did what he told me, used the 3 buttons needed to put the fone into reset mode. DOwnloaded a repair software patch that he had on the link and then connected fone to computer and it reset the fone to ex Metropcs store standard.
In other words it didnt mess with your root software or else your fone wouldnt know what number it was supposed to use or would need other programming.
so thank Goodness that worked. I didnt lose anything on my mini SD card but all my fone numbers went so had to re-enter all three of my friends numbers !
Plus all the co worker numbers of course.
When the fone got bricked calls would come in , emails come in and i couldnt do nada with it.
So word to the wise. DONT USE THE DRAW UNLOCK AT ALL.
You could also use screen lock to keep this from happening?
Or set the phone up using the gmail account that you normally use, since that’s the way the phone will get email?
Sorry dude, but this is a pretty far off corner case that’s pretty far into the “operator error” end of things.
The screen lock is what i use regularly dude. But somehow walking to get a cup of joe with the fone in my shirt pocket the screen lock was unlocked (on my fone its the middle two buttons being pushed, either one or the other that unlockes) and the pattern draw feature came into play. And apparently just walking down the street the incorrect drawing was done several times and the fone then asked for your google account sign in as its designed to do. NOw all is good up to here. But the problem is. and a bit of googling will tell u that this is a problem that many people have had with droids. The fone then refuses to accept your input even though your sign in is using the correct gmail account and the correct password. Herein is the problem.
Hence i no longer use the draw lock feature, problem solved.
its good to have the draw lock feature and its good to shut it off after X attempts perhaps but then not to work as designed in its unlocking via your google sign in is a where the problem lies.
Its better to allow unlimited drawing attempts in this case, rather then going into the next step and then having that step not working
Yes i was not remembering exactly what was used. But since I only have 2 google mail id/password, i tried both. To no avail. Tried the NULL thing on both, to no avail.
Have a read bout the problem. Its a known android problem that it doesnt respond like it should even when the correct id/password is used. Many people have had this issue. Therefore it needs a software fix. I would vote for unlimited draw attempts. So long as it doesnt open the fone so what if you misdraw one million times. It shouldnt lock up. And if the solution is to input your id/password then it should work. This last part NOT working for many , so many as to become a known problem is the issue.
And apparently as some have pointed out. Lets say you changed your password after setting up the fone, this apparently creates a problem too.
ON the forums discussing this problem, nobody seemed to have confirmed that it did work by inputting id and password.
But of course that could be because those people got back to using their fones so never sought out the answer to this particular issue.
I had no way to reset my fone if I didnt find the guy with the software patch i could download to reset my fone. I needed a software fix, not a matter of pushing 3 buttons in unison or anything like that.
Of course a lot of people wouldve had to go down to the place where they go the fone and hopefully they would know what to do to reset it.
HTC apparently includes directions on a hard reset for at least some of their fones and you didnt need a software patch installed on your puter. Just push some buttons and follow directions.