Translation Help

Can you please help me. I was recently sent a letter by Master Kong Lee of YongChun White Crane. What I am after is the actual Chinese characters for his name? Can you help me?

Also I am trying to find the correct Chinese Characters for the following:

  • “Babulian” - 8 Steps/8Strikes

  • “Ershibabu / Ershibada” - 28 Steps / 28 Strikes.

  • “ZhongKuan” - Middle (Gate) Save

  • “RouJian” - Soft Arrow

  • “XiaKung” - Seven Splendid?

  • “JiShou”

From what I can find, I think the name should be 李剛 師傅 which would usually be Romanized as “Gang (Kang) Li” instead of Kong with an “o”, at least in Mandarin. There might be Cantonese involved though.

  • “Babulian” - 8 Steps/8Strikes = 八步連

  • “Ershibabu / Ershibada” - 28 Steps / 28 Strikes. = 二十八步

  • “ZhongKuan” - Middle (Gate) Save 中關

  • “RouJian” - Soft Arrow 柔箭

Can’t say anything about the others without more information.

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it and your kindness in doing this for me!

Is there any chance you could please translate the following into Chinese Characters?:

“You will never take my pride”

It’s for my son-in-law.