Travel forum

Can we have a new forum on travelling in Taiwan? It could be a place for people to ask questions about good places to visit, nice hotels, bus services, etc. People could also post reports on places they have visited and recommend or even places to avoid.

I think we tried this and it didn’t go anywhere (no pun intended).

It seems like a ‘natural’ discussion section for ORIENTED, doesn’t it? Many of my friends in Taiwan do a heck of lot of travel… for work and play, domestic and international.

You may not know it, but there were two things that made our opening up our latest forums easy-to-do:

    []Strong, obvious demand
    ]Moderator availability[/list]

    When these forums concepts were proposed to us, several people sent in suggestions for which thread discussions could be moved over and who potential moderators would be.

    Until we do come around to re-opening a Travel Forum, check out Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree discussion website ( – and of course, post in our Miscellaneous and Open Forums