Trump to release names of predators in Congress

Yeah, that’s not all, you could check out standard hotel.

Slinky slinky slinky.

Dude, that is skeeeeetchy.

Conspiracy Theory much:
Now just don’t come right back at me and say, “Yeah but at the end the film Mel was proven right!!!”

Tell you what. If it is not proven, I will step down as moderator for these forums. The guy is seriously creepy and if I am wrong, I accept I should never had insinuated even the slightest of what I did.

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Whoa, is that really him in the photo? Looks like one of the Waltons. :grin:

Why step down?



Really, reminded me more of this.

The Warriors vs. the Osh Koshs, ha. I think @jdsmith’s is closer though.

Especially if the kid’s name is somehow Eileen.

Who knows what kind of role playing they may have gotten into.

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Number one “where is this” or “what is this” champion, I gracefully accept being defeated.

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Unacceptable. And unnecessary since you already slinked and admitted it here.

Pizzagate 2.0 here we go, hope Podesta and the Hot Dog man get called out too.

Democrats get to throw around accusations of racist, Nazi, KKK this that or the other based on flimsy to no evidence, why should they get all the fun?

I don’t know, man…dung beetles seem to be having a lot of fun rolling balls of feces around, but I wouldn’t want to join them in that activity…

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Just saying, if you take off the gloves and don a knuckle duster instead, your not really in a position to complain the other side is not sticking to the queensberry rules.

Are we talking about all of the predators? Including AVP 1 and 2? Not sure why they’d care about their names being released, but whatever.

AVP is considered non-canon, right?

I think it’s canon for the Predator films, but non-canon for the Alien franchise. I could be wrong.