Trump vs. the Deep State

I’d do it now, during the Dem debates. Let them distance themselves from Hillary Bill and Obama.

The legacies:



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NY Times Opinion as proof! So how about defining deep State? Is that a well organized group of people or just career diplomats who don’t like Trump? If it’s the latter then that’s pretty easy to put a label on, but pretty hard to prove a coordinated well-planned effort.

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All these career diplomats are making less than a hundred fifty thousand a year. They have no benefit and no gain from bringing down Trump. It’s just a distraction created by Trump.

He tried to clean the swamp when he arrived in office but Mitch McConnell said stop talkin about that. The swamp is Congress not fake deep state.

Anyway every single one of these career diplomats works for an ambassador that is appointed by the president. How the hell can they do anything the Ambassador does not approve.


I don’t think you understand how graft works.

I understand more than extremely well how it all works.

Graft is in other places like Congress where people can accept that and receive it. Government workers career diplomats official government people cannot receive it it always gets noticed and people know.

The emoluments clause is alive and well and reportable yearly for every government employee.

It’s a sad state of affairs. The American public is ill-informed and uneducated.


I don’t think you understand how crime in general works.

I don’t think you think.

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Deep state is the equivalent of MSM. It just means people who have years of experience and service for government who want to adhere to laws. MSM means educated journalists.

Basically, anyone who isn’t willing to put a thumb on the scale or turn a cheek to help their side, they are a part of Hillary’s cabal, or something. Cue conspiracy nutboard with strings. Only it isn’t even that well thought out, it’s just parroting MSM, deep state, Hillary a billion times over.

Also, if they can find one official out of 100 who did something questionable, or one reporter who misstates something, that is evidence of a widespread conspiracy. Therefore the public servants and journalists should be replaced with someone like Charlottesville tiki torchers.

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The top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine said on Tuesday he was told the United States was withholding aid from Ukraine to try to secure a public commitment for investigations relating to the 2016 U.S. presidential election and a Ukrainian company where former Vice President Joe Biden’s son served on the board, according to the Washington Post.


THAT is spin. Well done. Completed it, mate. :notworthy:

I mean, not in regards to this board it isn’t. It’s rampant here. People can read you know. :sweat_smile:


The old narrative is dead. This new narrative is doomed.

Thats what Edwards Snowden used to think until he worked at the NSA. Read his new book he discusses it in 2nd half.

Also Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders would disagree

Lecturing as gaslighting - the last refuge of the discredited authority.

They’re like the dad in Moral Orel season 3. I can smell their flop sweat.

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Join the book thread. I’d like to hear more about that book…if you’ve read it.

Gaslighting is like Post Modernism. The work of politics in the age of mechanical reproduction are like teats on a cow. Purity circling, like a triangular spiral. Morbid yet pacifying. Like B 52 bombers carpet bombing the ocean. Clearly a sign of impending collapse of an old regime.

Get woke man. Skinny pants, fake news, media saturation by religious fundamentals, orange man, socialism.

Hey, leave me out of it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: