Trying to evict me but I signed a 2 year lease

I signed a 2 year lease at the place I am in now about 5 months ago.

My landlord wants to sell the house and left me a note saying that I have two weeks to leave.

Can she do this?

Yeah, you’re screwed. Tenant rights here are pretty much non-existent. You could try a legal battle, and you might even eventually get a decision in your favour that would entitle you to some compensation, but I doubt you have time for a new full-time hobby. You can ask for some compensation for having to move on such notice, but don’t hold your breath.

Wife thinks there is no law for that and it depends on the contract. It would be 1 month or 1/2 month notice normally. In Canada (B.C.) you would get 2 months or more if you plead hardship.
I would argue that Landlord owes you the breaking contract penalty unless he gives you 1 month notice.

Good luck.

Tell her to pay up or you start a legal procedure that can take a while …

time to read the lease… conditions for breaking the contract should be there

Unless otherwise stated in your lease…
You have the right to remain there.
Usually you get the boot when they want to sell. BUT they cannot SELL while you are in the premises unless the buyer is willing to take on the tenant as well based on the previous lease.

[quote]Article 440 If the lessee delays paying the rental, the lessor may fix a reasonable deadline and notify him to pay. If the lessee does not pay within such deadline, the lessor may terminate the lease.
If the thing leased is a house, the lease cannot be terminated so long as the total rental in arrears does not correspond to two months, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be applied. The rental is agreed to pay at the commence of the period, the lessor may terminate the lease only as the rental delays paying more than two months.
Leasing for building a house of a land (station), as the total rental in arrears corresponds to two years, the provisions of preceding paragraph shall be applied.[/quote] … ord=rental

Of course…they can make your life hell. Nothing fixed adnauseum…however:


Seems that according to the people I have spoken with so far, that the tenant has more rights.

She can not break the contract without extenuating circumstances i.e. I destroy something.

I’ll keep everyone posted about what happens. She said she is going to call the police today so the ball will start to roll.

[quote=“Lo Bo To”]Seems that according to the people I have spoken with so far, that the tenant has more rights.

She can not break the contract without extenuating circumstances i.e. I destroy something.

I’ll keep everyone posted about what happens. She said she is going to call the police today so the ball will start to roll.[/quote]Must be quite stressful for you. Hope everything goes OK. Have you considered moving some of your more important possessions/documents etc. to another location for the moment?

This must be nerve wracking for you!

She can call the police, have your copy of the lease on you. She CANNOT break it unless, as you stated, you have destroyed something or not paid the last two months rent.

Have you kept the reciepts for all your rent payments?

The law is very clear. It also explains why many places are not rented out and stand empty for years while people try to sell their property.

Best of luck to you.

SoulDragoN… can you point out where it explains about places being empty for years while the property is trying to be sold? I would imagine that in Taipei, only the awfulest of places couldn’t be sold within one or two months. Thanks!


That was my experience when looking for a place, NOT in Taipei though. Real estate agent stated as much as well as people I know that own several homes.

Some just don’t want to deal with lousy tenants and the constant complaints of this, that, and the other.

Real estate has taken an upswing as of late. Many people are being given notice the two months prior to the lease renewal to move…

So, no anwser ?

What happened ? As I will soon be looking for a place in Taipei, every story is a gold mine to me…so, whats’up here ? what happened with the police?