Trying to Figure Out If My Coworkers Are Mad At Me, Specifically

The opposite may be true as well if you are too good. There is a big crab mentally in Asia and is totally the opposite from where I come from. They will try to put you down.


Agree 100%


if its a small office tea/ bubble tea is another go too


I’ve learned not to make a big deal out of how people interact in the office, and with the way they are with me. As long as you’re polite and friendly, you’re good. If they don’t treat you well despite that, let them be. Sometimes people are just not the nicest because that’s who they are. It’s not your job to fix them by changing who you are. But when it comes down to work, they’ll work with you because they don’t want to be blamed. So I just do my job and try to do it the best I can. If something’s missing from what I need to do it, I say so politely and never rudely. Nobody wants to get blamed for work output so chances are they would help you get what you need so you can do your job. Also, what might be nothing to us can be rude to some so keep communications straightforward but not whiny. (Ex: I want to follow up on this again vs. This has been pending for so long)

Stay out of office drama. I once had an officemate who shouts at work and gets too heated up when talking to people. However, I noticed they’re nicer and a bit awkward to me. I think it must be because I generally keep to myself at work. In terms of being diligent at work, I’d say it always pays. It’s better to follow the rules than think they might not notice anyway. They do. Be friendly with HR and try not to break even the smallest rules like going beyond the one-hour lunch time–unless you’re with managers or your boss/team, then you’re good.

If things affect your mental health already, start looking at other job options. Otherwise, I think just focus on your job instead of figuring out how people think of you. I often feel like a goldfish in a clear bowl when I’m new at work, but I block out the unnecessay noise by proving my worth by my work output.

In my experience, good work output makes you indispensable. Being a people person doesn’t guarantee that.


This is the other side of the coin of the Taiwanese are so friendly argument. Taiwanese are often friendly in the way that kids can be so nice and friendly, and then also be needlessly spiteful


My students sometimes say Taiwan is small, and I usually respond with something similar to what you wrote. Also, all those mountains–holy smokes.

I reckon I could walk from Sansha to Tien Mu in one day not sure through.
I’m not sure I could walk London in a day. Southall to High Barnet
Has anyone managed to drive from Taipei to Kaoshung on a 125cc scooter ? I guess it is possible but might require post riding back surgery.
I’d guess you’d need to go down the west coast and not the east.

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I just brought some green tea Kit Kat bars to work. Had a good conversation with the manager lady about different Kit Kat flavors in Japan (cheese-cake flavored Kit Kats? What a time to be a live.) Didn’t notice any problems today. Boss lady asked about my health (I’ve had gastrointestinal problems lately.) I’ll keep an eye on things this week. Thanks!


People often do the round the island trip, normally bigger bikes do the 24hours and scooters do the 48h but I have heard of some 125’s going for the nine stop run.

None stop Round the island on a 50cc Honda cub, while carrying a food delivery, that would get my respect.

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Think big problem in Taiwan is no Friday beers, where issues get hashed out and everyone’s friends again.

Taiwanese culture - äșșć–„èą«äșșæŹș