Tuition rates for private classes

I would say the average per hour that a bushiban charges is between 180 and 200 NT.

I charge 1000 an hour regardless of the amount of students. 1 through 100 is the same to me but I tell them that I haveo give each student equal attention. most parents will figure out a fair balance between cost and individual attention given to their kids.

you might also want to consider your experience level and prior training, and factor these in … more experience with private teaching and some training in SLA generally means you have more knowledge of what kind of program to set up for them.

I’ve just been offered a private class of 8-10 students, all of them adults of various levels. This class is not connected to any school. I don’t even know where they plan on holding the class.

At the moment I have to come up with a reasonable rate. The woman who has contacted me says they would like a 90-minute or two-hour class, once a week on Saturday or Sunday. All of this is fine by me, so no hardships with the weekend being the time slot.

However, I lost one student in the past by over charging on a group rate. and certainly not because I was greedy ( :smiling_imp: ), I just didn’t have any exp. with privates at the time.

So what’s the word from the wise? What would be a decent rate for me and for them? I don’t want to sell myself short and do not want to ruin a golden opportunity by overcharging. I don’t mind charging a little lower because I could really use the cash right now. :sunglasses:

I would appreciate a prompt response because I have to meet her in the next couple of days.

Cheers :notworthy:

you may wanna break the class into two sections, and stick people in with others who are close to their ability - this all depends on how mixed their abilities are, and how many hours you wanna teach (and their willingness). not only can you focus more on their needs, they will get more chances to speak.

if you’re teaching 4 at a time, you can surely ask for $1000 per hour, though i wouldn’t bump it to $2k for all eight at once. $1200 … more? depends on two things: your ability to teach them, and their ability to pay it. a teacher who is consistent and consciencious, who can tailor classes to the learners’ needs, is certainly worth more. if you’re that person, you can get $1600 per hour ($200 a head).

How about $600-$700/hour for a one-on-one and an extra $100 for each additional person? This is pretty easy to follow, I think. It’s also very easy to explain to the students.

600-700NT seems pretty low for a one-on-one. When I first arrived in Taiwan back in 2002, 800-1000NT/hour was the standard range. Are people actually accepting students for 600/hour these days?

600-700NT seems pretty low for a one-on-one. When I first arrived in Taiwan back in 2002, 800-1000NT/hour was the standard range. Are people actually accepting students for 600/hour these days?[/quote]

In Chiayi, $700/hour is good. In Taipei, $1000/hour is good. It’s all about location and supply vs. demand.

I like the idea of NT$ 1,000 per hour. It’s a 90-minute or two-hour class we’re talking about here, once a week, with 8-10 students. I don’t think anyone loses with that rate.

I’m also looking at it like this: if it pays my rent every month, I’m happy. :notworthy:

To give you an idea, pretty standard buxiban practice is to charge at $NT1000 an hour for a 1 on 1 and and extra $NT200 an hour per person after that.

Does anyone know the going rate for tutoring English privately these days?


Welcome to forumosa dslcb21.

I usually charge 1000 for a 90-minute class. I live in the middle of nowhere so I’m not your best gauge. To see what teachers are charging, you should have a look at

800 per hour here in Xhizi, although I do some private tutoring part-time at a buxiban in Taipei for 750

I’d do private tutoring for less - it’s quite easy and relaxing work. The thing is, I just don’t have enough time on my hands these days, so my fee isn’t so much a reflexion of the difficulty of the job. It’s what it is because I value my personal time.

Some recent opinions here

Sorry, but I disagree. Considering that one has to create a curriculum, go buy the books (students obviously pay) and do all the other admin, as well as travel to and from the student’s house, either you’re shooting yourself in the foot or you’re being too “relaxed” about it.

I charge a standard rate of 1000 per hour and I have 18 hours of tutoring per week. Some of my students have been with me for years.

$800 for one person an hour. $1000 for two. And so on…

The people I talked to gave me a range of 600-1000 and maybe settling around 720/hr. I just got to Taiwan and I don’t have much experience teaching English other than tutoring a Korean student for a TOEFL exam back in the states. In that case I used the materials that the student already had.

No less than 1000. I’ve got a mug of a mate whoe does tham for 650, but he’s a Geordie and can’t really speak English.

How much should I charge for private lessons here in Taipei. I am a certified teacher from the US.

How much for 1 Kinder kid?
2 Kinder kids?
2 elementary school kids?
1 Middle school kid?
1 adult?
2 adults?

I heard 600/hr? but what about for 2 students at a time?..1000 nt/hour?

I don’t want to undercut anyone. I am a certified K-6 teacher from the US (native/excellent english speaker!)

should I charge less for Kinder students? - maybe 600 for them, 800 for everyone else? What about for 2 students at a time?

I work long hours at a private high school so I really don’t want to teach privates but I will if the price is right. I am new to Taipei though and still don’t have a handle on prices and such. I appreciate your advice.