Anyone see the new commercial for that Essence of Chicken (雞精)?
It shows police entering a bank just after it’s been robbed. They ask people to describe the robber. True to form, none claim to have seen the robber.
Then one man admits he has, and goes around the room describing the robber, saying ‘He had his nose. His eyes. His mole. And his hair (the poodle). Etc. etc.’
Then the sketch artist draws up the suspect. It’s Mr. Joe Black Dude.
I, for one, will be cutting back my consumption of Essence of Chicken to just a bottle a week.
Like the Lian Qiang ads, where they used a few foreigners in prison garb?
Using foreigners in a negative way in advertising has been the order of the day here for a few centuries.
Darkie toothpaste anyone?
Or, selling German radiators using an image of Hitler as a positive!?!
The old one with the disposable utensil with an “african native” with a bone in his nose and all…
Or, would anyone fancy a visit to the nazi cafe on heping east rd. sec 4. (closed mid 1990’s).
It’s more a matter of ignorance than anything else.
That commercial only had Taiwanese in it. They drew together parts of other Taiwanese facial features (nose, crossed eyes, mole) and a poodle for the hair to make a police sketch. The poodle had “poodly” hair and was light brown.
It’s a really funny commercial actually; a lot better then most “homemade” ones in my opinion. Seen it a million times.
If you think the end result of the sketch was a black man, you need to get your eyes checked.
The only prejudice I see, is you thinking a Taiwanese with poodle hair was a black man.
From a stereotypical point of view, it seems the nose is what led to the original assumption. and the lips (and to a lesser extent the hair) are what’re making people disagree with that assumption. The jury’s still out.