TV commercial with foreigners as criminals

What law? He’s married to a Taiwanese woman, and presumably has a JFRV ARC, therefore he doesn’t need to apply for a work permit, therefore the normal restrictions don’t apply.

He does have a bit of an accent, but don’t we all?

But to get back to the lawsuit, what is he actually suing for? He was one of the eight in the original ad a year ago. Are the others suing or just Jack? And what is he trying to get? Money? Or less face time as a criminal, which has apparently embarrassed his wife and child?

Does he stand a chance in court?

I gotta put a bump on that. I did ther same thing with Chungwa here in Tainan a few months ago. I don’t have a big nose but I am a “foreigner” (Amercian." No problem and no ‘guanrantor’ needed. And their service is/has been outstanding. Just applied, paid the NT’s and was up and running in 2 days.

By the way…I am a mature white guy who looks likes either a gruff “biker” guy or a well-dressed terrorist available for TV, print adverts that will pay. I am not troubled by Political Correctness. PM me for details.

Yes, isn’t it wonderful how Taiwan is advancing to become more like the States? I can’t wait for the day when the second floor tenants sue their downstairs neighbors because the cigarette smoke is rising up into their apartment or the stinky tofu street vendor getting sued because the smell is irritating to those walking by… :wink:

Many civil law jurisdictions (Taiwan is a civil law jurisdiction) have specific civil code provisions that protect an individual’s image, personal data and other generally private information (because it is believed that individuals have a right to develop and profit from, if they can and choose to, their own personalities and such information is useful for that purpose). Exceptions are often made for news and public figures. I imagine that the guy is suing to protect his right to his own personality.

Even China protects personality rights by statute.