TV Land Lists 100 Greatest Catchphrases[quote]
“Jane, you ignorant slut” (Dan Aykroyd to Jane Curtin, “Saturday Night Live”)[/quote]


And for the Brits…
Who said the following…

  1. Miss Diane.
  2. It’s good, but it’s not quite right.
  3. Here’s one I prepared earlier.
  4. Fandabidozi.
  5. Er indoors.
  6. Stupid boy.
  7. Keep 'em peeled.
  8. It’s only me!
  9. Alright?
  10. Suits you sir. Oooh.

2: Catchphrase
3: Blue Peter
6: Dad’s Army
7: That old bloke from Crime Watch
10: The Fast show.

Nice to see you…

(Here’s a blast from the past) … ed&search=

I’ll have a P please Bob…

Can I get a HELL YEAH?

stone cold steve austin

[quote=“jdsmith”]Can I get a HELL YEAH?

stone cold steve austin[/quote]


[quote=“TomHill”][quote=“jdsmith”]Can I get a HELL YEAH?

stone cold steve austin[/quote]



“Weak as water…weak as water…”

You know, I managed to escape the US before Paris Hilton slimed her way into the media and I have yet to hear her talk. Thank God for small blessings, I suppose.

At least they didn’t include Steve Urkel’s “Did I do that?” (said in a gratingly nasal voice)

Oh noes ! The link doesn’t work :help: