Twitter, Best Ways to Use it

Coronavirus, I’m trying Twitter to keep up with the latest but it just seems like a huge mashup of bullshi*.

Any suggestions on just getting the facts and need to know and not all the other?

I use an app called Twitterific (free if you can accept limited ads; maybe Apple ecosystem only?), and I have it set to just show people I’m following. And it shows it in chronological order, so I can “finish” the tweets - I believe the default twitter website does annoying algorithm-based prioritizing that’s all out of order, and shows you tweets from people you’re not following, so the flow never ends, and I despise that.

I haven’t tried searching specifically for coronavirus - I haven’t tried searching specifically for topics in years, because it’s just such a massive wave of garbage. I think the main person I’ve followed due to the coronavirus is @gnomeicide; I assume there’s tons of other stuff out there, but I’m getting so much already from different news sites and RSS feeds that I’m not sure how worthwhile searching more with twitter is. You’ll get a couple of facts for dozens of rumors that’ll get debunked in a few hours or days.

All of this posted as someone who has never knowingly sent a tweet, but I wouldn’t be surprised to discover I’ve accidentally sent a few while fumbling with the app.

Twitter has given me a few early versions of stories that eventually hit the main press, like details about how widespread the Washington State problem must be: I think I posted a twitter link on that all of five hours before it hit the bigger papers, woo hoo! But in general it’s not that big a difference from what eventually shows up on the New York Times (or CNN I guess? I don’t head there that often).

TL;DR: find users you like, and follow them.

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I use another app, called Plume
I second what @lostinasia said, and I add one thing:
Twitter have some interesting features too, such has hashtags and trend topics
Go explore and have fun!

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What are some good ways to check twitter on phone or ipad?

I get bored really fast scrolling throught twitter on both. I of course limit those I follow but still gets to be too much really quick.

I pull it up and only see one twitter post at a time… gets really old trying to scroll through the waste.

Aren’t there some other apps that make twitter more user friendly?

I use Twitterrific. Shows only who I follow, chronological order. Free version has a banner ad across the top but no algorithm is pulling up tweets it thinks you’d “want” to see.

Can still be overwhelming mind you.